Probe Tube Microphone
Application ID: 12781
It is often not possible to insert a normal microphone directly into the sound field being measured. The microphone may be too big to fit inside the measured system, such as for in-the-ear measurements for hearing aid fitting. The size of the microphone may also be too large compared to the wavelength, so that it disturbs the acoustic field. In these cases, a probe tube may be attached to the microphone case in order to distance the microphone from the measurement point. In this model, the effect on the microphone’s sensitivity due to the addition of this small probe will be investigated.
This is a time-dependent model of a generic probe tube microphone setup consisting of an external acoustic domain, an elastic probe tube, and the cavity in front of the microphone diaphragm. The probe tube, modeled using the Pipe Acoustics, Transient physics interface, is connected to two separate 3D pressure acoustics domains, leading to a fully coupled acoustics simulation. This model requires the Pipe Flow Module.
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