Layer addition on additive manufacturing (SLM) process

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I'm trying to model a SLM process on COMSOL and I'm finding some issues on simulating the layer addition. For an initial test, I have the substrate and 2 more layers (the laser travels 3 times). In order to simulate their addition, I created piecewise functions that are 1 when the layer is active and 10e-15 when it's innactive, and I multiplied the physical properties of the material by the function. See images below to make it clearer. The GIF shows a zoom on the layers to better see the laser pass. However, when I use a point probe to measure the temperature inside the layers, it increases even when the layer in question is not supposed to be active. The plot below show the temperature in 3 points. Laser pass time is 0.36 seconds.

For the boundary conditions, the bottom surface has a fixed temperature (ambient), the sides have convection, the top has radiation to the ambient and also convection (but the convection I could only select the last layer surface, the software doesn't let me select the others). But even if theses conditions are not really correct, I think that the points I presented should have the increase in temperature they are showing when the layer is inactive, as you can see I multiplied the material properties by the function.

Does anyone have an idea of what is wrong?!


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