Magnetic field gradients calculation

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Dear all,

To calculate magnetic field gradient (in module Magnetic fields) Comsol uses d(laginterp(n,mf.Bx),x) function. We want to estimate gradient in a specific region in our design, so we do the function calculation at a given point. The question is, how large is the area over which gradient is calculated? Is it influenced only by neighboring points/regions? Is there a way to adjust that?

Thank you for replies!

1 Reply Last Post 05.11.2024, 14:52 GMT-5
Edgar J. Kaiser Certified Consultant

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Posted: 4 months ago 05.11.2024, 14:52 GMT-5


it is a finite element software. So any quantity that is a function of the spatial variables depends on the mesh resolution and the spatial discretization. You may consider to test it in a well known field with known gradients with different meshes and orders of discretization.



Edgar J. Kaiser
emPhys Physical Technology
Hi, it is a finite element software. So any quantity that is a function of the spatial variables depends on the mesh resolution and the spatial discretization. You may consider to test it in a well known field with known gradients with different meshes and orders of discretization. Cheers, Edgar


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