Importing point locations I wish to check on a 3D model topographic surface

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I have a 3D model with a complex upper surface defined by a real landscape. I am exploring how to reproduce deformation of that surface that has already been measured at a small array of discrete XY locations. I thus have three questions that I hope are fairly simple to answer:

[1] what is the best way to import the XY coordinate file for use in the model so that I can instruct COMSOL to report the deformation at these discrete locations? [2] what is the best way to query the deformation at discrete points and to then export these data for further analysis? [3] alternatively, if I have a measured value describing the deformation in a specific plane at each point, would it be more efficient to compare measured and calculated values at the points within COMSOL (or MATLAB via Livelink) directly?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions... I suspect these are straightforward things to do but they will be new to me, and I'd like to tackle the task as efficiently as I can.



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