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Differences among 2D and 3D results for electroamgnetic problem
Posted 28.10.2010, 05:35 GMT-4 9 Replies
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I`m doing the same electromagnetic easy problem in 2D axisymmetric and 3D. I want to obtain the values of the magnetic field around a wire. For both cases I`ve modeled a wire and an air. I`ve introduce a external current. In both cases I`ve results. However, for the same point in each simulations the values are differents. Somebody know why exist this difference?
thank u!
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there may be several reasons:
- Your mesh is probably different in both cases
- In 2D your wire is infinitely long and you dont see effects from the ends, in 3D it is probably finite.
Are the differences large?
Best regards
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The difference ara very large. The error is %99.8. Respect your answers:
"- Your mesh is probably different in both cases"
The mesh in both cases are different, true. By the way, I´ve tried to miminize the mesh size as mush as I have been able to do but the error doesn`t decrease.
"- In 2D your wire is infinitely long and you dont see effects from the ends, in 3D it is probably finite"
I`ve done 2D axisymmetric model. So, I don´t think that this is the reason. No?
Thank you very much for answer me.
Best regards,
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so you are modeling a circular wire loop. Which way did you define the current in the 3D loop?
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I introduce the external current density in 2D as:
Je--> r = 0
phi = J0
z = 0
and in 3D as:
Je--> x = J0*y/sqrt(x^2+y^2)
y = J0*x/sqrt(x^2+y^2)
z = 0
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I introduce the external current density in 2D as:
Je--> r = 0
phi = J0
z = 0
and in 3D as:
Je--> x = J0*y/sqrt(x^2+y^2)
y = J0*x/sqrt(x^2+y^2)
z = 0
I think it is just a minus that is missing:
Je--> x = -J0*y/sqrt(x^2+y^2)
y = J0*x/sqrt(x^2+y^2)
z = 0
You can check visually by plotting an arrow plot of the current density field.
Best regards
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I have done that you told me and the error between 2D and 3D has decreased. Nevertheless, I have an error of %49 yet.
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if you are using MEF in V4.0a and you have a factor "2" between external current induced flux obtained by COMSOL and your analytical calculations then try using "MF" instead. (This applies also to the early for me)
I'm waiting for a reply from the COMSOL developers as I suspect a typo behind there, check the equations. There is something I do not catch, and it took me some time to identify what could be wrong.
It's the same with a sign issue on M or Br defined magnets, but this could also be a convention issue that has been changed
Good luck
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Of course, I am using V4.0a. I have done both simulation (2Daxi and 3D) in MF and error for Hz is less than %1. ( I had done 2D axisymmetric simulation in MEF and 3D in MF). Great!
However, now I have a new question. For this 2D axisymmetric problem, if I use either MF or MEF, the differences between them is the %50. Why?
What is the difference between MF and MEF?
Thanks in advanced.
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I do not believe MEF is correct, I suspect a typo in the formulas, look at the equations behind ;)
Good luck
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