Sehen Sie, wie die Multiphysik-Simulation in Forschung und Entwicklung eingesetzt wird
Ingenieure, Forscher und Wissenschaftler aus allen Branchen nutzen die Multiphysik-Simulation, um innovative Produktdesigns und -prozesse zu erforschen und zu entwickeln. Lassen Sie sich von Fachbeiträgen und Vorträgen inspirieren, die sie auf der COMSOL Conference präsentiert haben. Durchsuchen Sie die untenstehende Auswahl, verwenden Sie die Schnellsuche, um eine bestimmte Präsentation zu finden, oder filtern Sie nach einem bestimmten Anwendungsbereich.
Sehen Sie sich die Kollektion für die COMSOL Conference 2024 an
COMSOL Multiphysics® is a universal software complex based on the finite element method for computer modeling of physical problems. When modeling the electron beam processing process using the COMSOL Multiphysics® software complex, a number of parameters must be taken into account: 1. ... Mehr lesen
As additive manufacturing for metallic material is more and more used in industry, researchers try to overcome the limits of the process. To improve this industrial process, in terms of applications and understanding, the numerical simulation is today a very strong tool. Nevertheless, ... Mehr lesen
Shroud is used to provide protection against dirt or foreign substance gathering on cable gland assembly. Mostly they provide mechanical impact resistance and serve as additional protection. The existing shroud is made up of Polyvinylchloride which is inherently a self-extinguishing ... Mehr lesen
Bentonite is a versatile material that is, among other things, envisaged in designs for radioactive waste repositories to protect the waste canisters against groundwater. The thermo-hydraulic-mechanically coupled process of bentonite saturation is commonly based on two-phase flow and a ... Mehr lesen
COMSOL Multiphysics® and the Batteries & Fuel Cells Module are used to create a pseudo 2D model of a Li-ion battery. A sensitivity analysis determines the most sensitive model parameters which are identified by microstructure analysis or optimized by nonlinear least-square regression ... Mehr lesen
For more than thirty years the GeePs Laboratory has been working on the numerical simulation of electromagnetic systems through numerous research topics. During this conference, we propose to present a recent problem that has been addressed by the laboratory. It is connected to ... Mehr lesen
Currently in the semiconductor industry more than 80% of silicon crystal are grown by the Czochralski (Cz) method. In this method, fused silica (SiO2) crucibles and graphite heaters are used inside furnaces. The surface of the crucibles, which are in contact with the molten silicon, is ... Mehr lesen
The nature of dark matter remains one of the most pressing puzzles in physics. The MAgnetized Disc and Mirror Axion eXperiment (MADMAX) is a dielectric haloscope dedicated to the search for QCD axion dark matter in the mass range of 40 - 400 µeV. The design of the experiment consists of ... Mehr lesen
Concentration polarization (CP) is a common problem in membrane filtration. It is caused by the convective transport of large molecules towards the membrane surface, however while the solvent passes the membrane as permeate, the molecules are retained and accumulate at the membrane ... Mehr lesen
Aluminum production potlines operate under significant amperage in a range of 200 kA – 600 kA. High electrical DC currents induce strong magnetic fields. MHD stability, which is a result of electrical current and magnetic field interaction within aluminum reduction cell, is one of highly ... Mehr lesen