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In using DEP for particle manipulation, researchers often use a formula to calculate the DEP forces in which the forces are proportional to the particle radius to the third power. This formula assumes that the electrical field, E, will not be affected by the presence of a particle, no ... Mehr lesen
Liquid transport in lab-on-a-chip (LOC) devices occurs through a microchannel that uses an electroosmotic flow actuation mechanism. This method has a plug-like velocity profile, which is ideal in species transport and in wall-bounded reactions. Under substantial joule heating, it is not ... Mehr lesen
COMSOL Multiphysics® is used to simulate a thermal transport based flow sensor, which will be embedded in a micro-channel of a Poly-methyl methacrylate (PMMA) based microfluidic device. The channel height is 100μm and for simulation purposes the lengths has been set to 1.2mm. The heater ... Mehr lesen
Modeling of an ion bipolar junction transistor (IBJT) is performed using the COMSOL Multiphysics® software. Our model describes the IBJT which was developed and characterized [1]. The IBJT under consideration consists of an anion-selective collector and emitter, a cation-selective base ... Mehr lesen
This document presents the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulation of a commonly used Microfluidic Droplet Generator (MFDG) using the Laminar Two-Phase Flow, Phase Field method in COMSOL Multiphysics®. The paper discusses the effect of the channel’s geometry in droplet size at ... Mehr lesen
Designing and constructing a lab-on-a-chip device poses a variety of questions. Transport of all required substances, detection of the analyte and its deposition on a sensor have to be incorporated. Different strategies have been developed to achieve good coverages of the sensor, like ... Mehr lesen
A first generation air foil bearing (AFB) is shown in Figure 1. AFBs induce, at higher rotating speeds, an air film between the journal and the top foil, which lowers the friction forces. The goal of this study is to develop a model of an AFB. The thickness of the air film depends on ... Mehr lesen
A pocket-size portable particle size detector for diesel and cigarette smoke aerosols is being designed using particle size and composition methods. Aerodynamics, fluid properties, material composition and aerosol composition are taken into account. Testing methods for the design include ... Mehr lesen
Microfluidic devices and lab-on-a-chip (LOC) require the ability to transport or pump reagents or reaction products, the ability to effectively mix small volumes of fluid, and provide direct data display. Surface acoustic wave (SAW) driven acoustic streaming generated by a piezoelectric ... Mehr lesen
As a part of a lab-on-chip-device, more often it is required to measure dielectric constant of the fluid. For this purpose it is necessary to develop a sensor whose size is compatible with microfluidic channel. The work, presented in this paper, studies effect of the parameters ... Mehr lesen