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Ingenieure, Forscher und Wissenschaftler aus allen Branchen nutzen die Multiphysik-Simulation, um innovative Produktdesigns und -prozesse zu erforschen und zu entwickeln. Lassen Sie sich von Fachbeiträgen und Vorträgen inspirieren, die sie auf der COMSOL Conference präsentiert haben. Durchsuchen Sie die untenstehende Auswahl, verwenden Sie die Schnellsuche, um eine bestimmte Präsentation zu finden, oder filtern Sie nach einem bestimmten Anwendungsbereich.
Sehen Sie sich die Kollektion für die COMSOL Conference 2024 an
There is an increasing number of applications that requires using the time-dependent analysis of finite amplitude acoustic wave propagation or nonlinear acoustics. This study investigates an efficient finite element based numerical model of microperforated plate absorber using the time ... Mehr lesen
As a general definition, the presence of any repeated motion after a regular interval of time is known as vibrations. The basic theory of vibrations is described by the system of forces acting on a moveable and deformable body. The natural phenomena existing in the universe such as ... Mehr lesen
Multiphysical simulation is a daily-used tool for loudspeaker design and engineering, however it is still a time expensive process that requires specific modeling capabilities. In order to increase engineering efficiency and to broaden the usage of multiphysical simulation, at ... Mehr lesen
Introduction In recent years there has been a focus on using topology optimization in the field of acoustics [1,2], whereas previously the technique has been applied mostly within structural mechanics, thermodynamics, and fluid dynamics [3]. This paper describes the mathematical basis ... Mehr lesen
MEMS microphones consist of a conductive backplate and a conductive flexible membrane. The backplate and the membrane are at a certain distance from each other to be interpreted as parallel plates of a capacitor. When a bias voltage is applied to the electrodes, membrane deflection ... Mehr lesen
Determining an optimal port profile for a vented loudspeaker is still an unsolved problem. Studies that measured distortion content suggest a gently flared port is best, while subjective listening tests suggest that more aggressive flare rates are optimal at low to moderate levels, but ... Mehr lesen
SAW devices, in which acoustic wave travels along the surface of a material, are used as filters, oscillators and delay lines in electronic circuits. However, recent research [1] revealed that bulk acoustic waves (BAW) can be nonlinearly generated in LiNO3 SAW device if the drive level ... Mehr lesen
It is well known that high noise levels can result in psychological and physiological discomforts. Mufflers are used for reducing exhaust noise from automotive engines. Simple expansion chamber is a well-known design of a muffler. However, it fails to perform at frequencies that coincide ... Mehr lesen
This paper describes a simulation study performed with the goal of quantifying the correlation between violin design and sound quality. The investigation first explored the resonant modes of the front plate of a violin by examining its eigenfrequencies. Chladni patterns of increasingly ... Mehr lesen
A technology demonstrator called the “acoustic hyperlens”, constructed using metamaterials, can transform near field waves into far field waves. It is the inherent anisotropic properties of the metamaterial that facilitates this transformation. Prior “acoustic hyperlens” research has ... Mehr lesen