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Vibrations and noise of high power transformers have attracted considerable experimental and theoretical interests over last few years [1, 2]. For such transformers operating under high voltage (~ 100 kV) and power (~ 100 MVA), noise generated is significantly attributed to load noise ... Mehr lesen
The U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC) is currently exploring the use of infrasound sensors to monitor the health of structures of interest. Infrasound is acoustic energy below 20 Hz and is capable of propagating many kilometers from the source with little ... Mehr lesen
In the field of electronic, electro-acoustic apparatus is one of the important applications. There is an acoustic class in the department of electronic engineering, Shibaura Institute of Technology. The class is “Acoustic systems” which opens in 2nd semester of 3rd year. To foster the ... Mehr lesen
Daily application of a low intensity pulsed ultrasound (LIPUS) regimen has been shown to have positive effects on bone fracture healing. Although LIPUS treatment can induce cellular responses supporting bone repair, the underlying mechanisms are not well understood. Further in vitro ... Mehr lesen
Combustion instability has been a serious issue through the developmental history of gas turbine augmentors. When heat release rate oscillations occur in phase with resonant chamber acoustic modes, a feedback cycle is formed in which the strength of local heat release rate and chamber ... Mehr lesen
MEMS resonators have been recently adopted in a wide variety of timing, sensing, and actuation applications. The ability to control the dynamics of resonance, namely the resonance frequency and quality factor of these resonators is crucial in achieving high precision performance within ... Mehr lesen
Machines with rotating components are prone to vibrations because an imbalance of the rotor would always act as a harmonic excitation force to the machine. Thus oscillations close to the natural frequencies are tried to pass through fast in the run-up and cast-down or even completely ... Mehr lesen
COMSOL Multiphysics® was used to evaluate the performance of a woofer coupled to an automotive door. Two uses cases were considered: rigid and non-rigid door structures. Using the Structural Mechanics Module, the speaker membrane displacement was computed for both cases from 20Hz to 500 ... Mehr lesen
Micro-machined ultrasound transducers have a wide range of applications. As a sensor or actuator they can be used for measuring fluid speed and direction, to mix and excite particles (sonication), for taking images (ultrasonography), for non-destructive testing and many other purposes in ... Mehr lesen
Today’s driver hardware for High-intensity discharge (HID) lamps is bulky, expensive and not particularly energy-efficient. A downscaling of the devices seems possible by increasing the operation frequency from typically 400 Hz to some hundred kilohertz. However, efforts to design high ... Mehr lesen