Piezoelectric Transducers and Ultrasound Imaging: Impact of Materials Properties and Multiphysics Aided Design
Marco Cati graduated cum laude and encomium citation in electronic engineering in 2001 from the University of Florence, where in 2005 he also received a Ph. D. degree in electronic engineering. In 2005 he joined the Research & Development Department of Esaote where he is currently in charge of electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) design and testing activities on ultrasound and magnetic resonance devices. Dr. Cati is a member of IEEE and also an expert member of the IEC MT23 committee for the maintenance and development of IEC 60601-1-2 international standards. Since 2011 Dr. Cati serves as technical inspector for ACCREDIA (Italian Accreditation System). Dr. Cati is the author for over 50 scientific and technical works published in international journals and conference proceedings.

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