Die Application Gallery bietet COMSOL Multiphysics® Tutorial- und Demo-App-Dateien, die für die Bereiche Elektromagnetik, Strukturmechanik, Akustik, Strömung, Wärmetransport und Chemie relevant sind. Sie können diese Beispiele als Ausgangspunkt für Ihre eigene Simulationsarbeit verwenden, indem Sie das Tutorial-Modell oder die Demo-App-Datei und die dazugehörigen Anleitungen herunterladen.
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A Chladni plate is a metal plate that is covered in sand and subjected to vibrations. At certain frequencies, the vibrations produce standing waves, resulting in sand patterns formed on the plate. The vibrations are either formed from a violin bow at the side of the plate or a wave ... Mehr lesen
The component depicted in this model is part of a support mechanism and is subjected to various mechanical loads. This tutorial model takes you through the steps to carry out a detailed analysis of the part using the Structural Mechanics Module. In the various parts of the example you ... Mehr lesen
A classical flow pattern is the von Kármán vortex street that can form as fluid flows past an object. These vortices may induce vibrations in the object. This problem involves a fluid-structure interaction where the large deformation affect the flow path. The magnitude and the ... Mehr lesen
A tube connection consisting of a flange with eight prestressed bolts is subjected to a set of loads consisting of an internal pressure, an axial force, and an external bending moment. The model domain consists of one quarter of the full geometry, since there are two planes of ... Mehr lesen
An AC contactor is a particular type of magnetic switch device, which is activated by a primary coil fed by an alternating current. Unlike DC switches, such devices can suffer from a tendency to reopen when the AC current crosses zero. The addition of a shading coil that supports ... Mehr lesen
Using a Fluid-Solid Interaction multiphysics interface, the behavior of a spring-loaded ball check valve is studied under varying functional and reverse flow. The fluid force acting on the ball opens the valve at the opening pressure. In the case of a reversed pressure, the ball comes ... Mehr lesen
In this example, a random vibration test of electronic equipment is simulated. Three analyses are performed, one for acceleration in each global direction. Accelerations in the components and forces in clamping bolts are evaluated. Mehr lesen
In this example, a simplified micromechanical model of a unit cell with periodic boundary conditions is analyzed. The homogenized elastic and thermal properties of a composite material are computed based on individual properties of fiber and matrix. A comparison of numerical values are ... Mehr lesen
In this example, wear of the friction material in a disc brake is studied. Quasistatic friction forces are prescribed from simple kinematic considerations. The geometry of the brake pad is continuously updated to account for the material removal due to wear following the well-known ... Mehr lesen
In diesem Beispiel einer peristaltischen Pumpe quetschen Walzen einen flexiblen Schlauch zusammen und die Kompression befördert ein Fluid durch den Schlauch. Das Modell zeigt, wie Sie das Interface Fluid-Structure Interaction verwenden können. Der Hauptvorteil einer peristaltischen ... Mehr lesen