Die Application Gallery bietet COMSOL Multiphysics® Tutorial- und Demo-App-Dateien, die für die Bereiche Elektromagnetik, Strukturmechanik, Akustik, Strömung, Wärmetransport und Chemie relevant sind. Sie können diese Beispiele als Ausgangspunkt für Ihre eigene Simulationsarbeit verwenden, indem Sie das Tutorial-Modell oder die Demo-App-Datei und die dazugehörigen Anleitungen herunterladen.
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This model uses the discrete-ordinates method (DOM) to analyze the radiative heat transfer in a utility boiler with internal obstacles. DOM is one of the most useful radiation models for prediction of radiative heat fluxes on the furnace walls of a combustion chamber. With this model, ... Mehr lesen
The demand for phased array antennas increases not only for the traditional military industry but also in commercial areas such 5G mobile network platforms, Internet of Things (IoT), and satellite communication applications. This example shows how to design a phased array with a beam ... Mehr lesen
A wideband antenna study, such as an S-parameter or far-field pattern analysis, can be obtained by performing a transient response analysis and a time-to-frequency fast Fourier transform (FFT). This model runs a time dependent study first and then transforms the dependent variable, the ... Mehr lesen
Frequency selective surfaces (FSS) are periodic structures with a bandpass or a bandstop frequency response. This model shows that only signals around the center frequency can pass through the periodic complementary split ring resonator layer. Mehr lesen
A tapered slot antenna, also known as a Vivaldi antenna, is useful for wide band applications. Here, an exponential function is used for the taper profile. The objective of this model is to compute the far-field pattern and to compute the impedance of the structure. Good matching is ... Mehr lesen
Der Lärm, der von einer elektrischen Maschine ausgeht, kann viele Quellen haben. In diesem Beispiel wird das akustische Geräusch von Vibrationen untersucht, die durch die Variation der Magnetkraft entstehen. Dieses Geräusch ist oft bei der doppelten Erregungsfrequenz hörbar, kann aber ... Mehr lesen
Electromagnetic waves that are confined to propagate along a surface, such as surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs), are of great research interest due to their potential applications in nanoscale manipulation of light. This model demonstrates how to set up a simulation of the propagation ... Mehr lesen
This tutorial analyzes the DC characteristics of an InSb p-Channel FET, using the density-gradient theory to add the effect of quantum confinement to the conventional drift-diffusion formulation, without a large increase of computational resources. The confinement effect is applied both ... Mehr lesen
This tutorial demonstrates how to use stationary polarization data to perform parameter estimation of a polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) model. The model, defining a 5-layer membrane electrode assembly (MEA) is two-dimensional and includes electronic and ionic charge ... Mehr lesen
A radio frequency quadrupole ion trap utilizes a radio frequency quadrupole (RFQ) in order to trap an ion beam. A continuous high energy ion beam is first cooled and converted into a spatially confined bunch, which can then be released with minimal heating of the beam. The device is also ... Mehr lesen