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In signal integrity (SI) applications, time-domain reflectometry (TDR) is a useful technique for analyzing the discontinuity in a signal path by observing the reflected signal strength. The reflected signal distorts the input pulse mainly by impedance mismatch if there is no external ... Mehr lesen
This model demonstrates the path of relativistic protons within Earth's magnetic field. Due to the dipole nature of Earth's magnetic field, charged particles, such as electrons and protons, can get trapped in stable configurations within it for long periods of time. These ... Mehr lesen
This example simulates the thermodynamical evolution of moist air in an electronic box with the aim of detecting whether condensation occurs when the external environment properties change. The model imports measured data for the air temperature, pressure, and water vapor concentration. ... Mehr lesen
Das biventrikuläre Standard-Herzmodell wird verwendet, um zu zeigen, wie man Faserrichtungen in einer komplexen Geometrie einrichtet. Die Fasern werden dann zur Modellierung der großen Verformung des Herzmuskels mit dem anisotropen Materialmodell von Holzapfel-Gasser-Ogden verwendet. Die ... Mehr lesen
A surface mount resistor is subjected to thermal cycling. The difference in the thermal expansion of different materials will introduce stresses in the structure. The solder which connects the resistor with the printed circuit board is seen as the weakest link in the assembly. It ... Mehr lesen
Anti-reflective coatings are frequently used in optical systems to reduce the amount of stray light produced when a beam of light crosses from one medium into another medium with a different refractive index. The simplest example of an anti-reflective coating is a quarter-wavelength ... Mehr lesen
Antenna crosstalk, or co-site interference, is problematic when multiple antennas are used on a single large platform. In this model, the interference between two identical antennas at VHF frequency is studied with an S-parameter analysis of different configurations of a receiving ... Mehr lesen
This model is a benchmark problem from TEAM workshop (problem 15 part I, see https://www.compumag.org/wp/team/). The model simulates the behavior of a coil as it scans a conductive plate containing a defect (a crack). The computed coil parameters, which include change in resistance and ... Mehr lesen
Dieses Übungsbeispiel eines Stimmgabel-Gyroskops wurde freundlicherweise von Dr. James Ransley von Veryst Engineering, LLC, zur Verfügung gestellt. Das Modell zeigt die vollständig parametrisierte Geometrie, die umfassende Verwendung von Auswahlfunktionen, die Implementierung ... Mehr lesen
A Butler matrix is a passive beamforming feed network. It is a cost-effective feed network for phased array antennas because the circuit can be fabricated in the form of microstrip lines and is a viable solution for performing beam scanning without deploying expensive active devices. ... Mehr lesen