Die Application Gallery bietet COMSOL Multiphysics® Tutorial- und Demo-App-Dateien, die für die Bereiche Elektromagnetik, Strukturmechanik, Akustik, Strömung, Wärmetransport und Chemie relevant sind. Sie können diese Beispiele als Ausgangspunkt für Ihre eigene Simulationsarbeit verwenden, indem Sie das Tutorial-Modell oder die Demo-App-Datei und die dazugehörigen Anleitungen herunterladen.
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In this model, we use the Pressure Acoustics, Boundary Elements physics interface to analyze the acoustics of a generic head and torso simulator. This is a manikin head used to do standardized measurements for hearing aids, mobile phones, and headphones. The model showcases some ... Mehr lesen
Dieses Modell demonstriert die Simulation der Streuung einer ebenen Lichtwelle an einer Gold-Nanosphäre. Die Streuung wird für den optischen Frequenzbereich berechnet, in dem Gold als ein Material mit negativer komplexwertiger Permittivität modelliert werden kann. Das Fernfeldmuster und ... Mehr lesen
This model determines the reflection coefficient of plane acoustic waves, at different frequencies and at different angles of incidence, off a water-sediment interface. The ability of the Poroelasitc Waves interface to model the coupled acoustic and elastic wave in any porous substance ... Mehr lesen
This tutorial investigates the acoustic properties of a porous layer made of glass wool. The porous material has transverse isotropic properties and is modeled with the full anisotropic poroelastic material model. Mehr lesen
Die Hauptverteidigung eines U-Boots besteht in seiner Fähigkeit, während der Fahrt verborgen zu bleiben. Da Radiowellen vom Meerwasser stark absorbiert werden, ist Sonar eine der wichtigsten Methoden zum Aufspüren von U-Booten. Sonarsysteme werden auch bei der Unterwasserforschung und in ... Mehr lesen
This model showcases how to solve for the scattered field when knowing the incident field for three different types of scatterer, i.e. an infinitely rigid one, a cavity and an elastic inclusion. This formulation can be useful when the scatterer is in the far-field of the source, such ... Mehr lesen
The example shows how to generate a discharge model from the Reaction Engineering interface with a self-defined discharge chemistry. It reproduces the library model 127181 (Double-Headed Streamer in Parallel-Plate Electrodes). Mehr lesen
In this model, two fluids are separated by a multilayer solid elastic structure. An acoustic pressure wave impacts the structure resulting in a reflected wave and a transmitted wave with a loss through the structure. This model investigates the transmission loss through the structure. ... Mehr lesen
A classic benchmark problem in computational electromagnetics is to solve for the radar cross section (RCS) of a sphere in free space illuminated by a plane wave. This model solves for the RCS of a metallic sphere that has a very high conductivity, which can be treated as a material with ... Mehr lesen
Multipaction can occur when electrons are accelerated by a high frequency RF field into surfaces. At certain frequencies, the number of electrons in a cavity can grow exponentially. This exponential growth cannot continue indefinitely because space charge effects in the cavity can ... Mehr lesen