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This tutorial models the cathodic protection of an oil rig structure during a time period of 15 years. As a result of the consumption of the sacrificial anodes, the protective capabilities system are reduced over time. The anode shape change in the model is defined by using the Level ... Mehr lesen
For an electrochemical reaction to occur, the reacting species usually needs to adsorb to the electrode surface before undergoing reduction or oxidation, after which the resulting product species desorbs back into the electrolyte. If the rate of adsorption or desorption is slow in ... Mehr lesen
This model simulates atmospheric galvanic corrosion of an aluminum alloy in contact with steel. The electrolyte film thickness depends on the relative humidity of the surrounding air and the salt load density of NaCl crystals on the metal surface. Empirical expressions for the oxygen ... Mehr lesen
Da Kopfhörer eng an das Ohr gekoppelt sind, ist es nicht möglich, ihre Empfindlichkeit in einem klassischen akustischen Freifeldaufbau zu messen, wie er für Lautsprecher verwendet wird. Die Messung erfordert die Verwendung von künstlichen Köpfen und Ohren, um die Nutzungsbedingungen ... Mehr lesen
This model verifies that the onset of streamer formation between two spheres separated by atmospheric pressure dry air at a distance of 2cm occurs at 51.8kV. The electrical breakdown is detected by integrating Townsend coefficients along the electric field lines between the two spheres. ... Mehr lesen
In diesem Beispiel wird die Kopplung zwischen Multibody Dynamics und Rotating Machinery, Magnetic zur Durchführung elektromagnetischer und mechanischer Analysen demonstriert. Ein Permanentmagnetmotor mit 10 Rotorpolen und 12 Statornuten wird in 2D modelliert. Die Magnete sind am Umfang ... Mehr lesen
A differential line is composed of two transmission lines excited by two out-of-phase signals. This configuration is known to be useful to enhance signal-to-noise ratio. This example shows how to set up the differential microstrip lines using TEM type ports. Mehr lesen
Capacitively coupled RF discharges can operate in two distinct regimes depending on the discharge power. In the low power regime, known as the alpha regime, the electric field oscillation is responsible to heat and create electrons. In the high power regime, known as gamma regime, the ... Mehr lesen
Magnetotellurics is a method for estimating the resistivity profile of the Earth's subsurface using the natural electromagnetic source provided by the ionosphere. This model was defined by Zhdanov et al. in a study published in 1997. In this article, various scientific groups compared ... Mehr lesen
Dieses Modell zeigt, wie ein einfacher piezoelektrischer Nanogenerator auf Basis eines Auslegers analysiert werden kann. Der Nanogenerator wird mit einer sinusförmigen Beschleunigung beaufschlagt, und die Ausgangsleistung wird als Funktion der Frequenz, der Lastimpedanz und der ... Mehr lesen