Die Application Gallery bietet COMSOL Multiphysics® Tutorial- und Demo-App-Dateien, die für die Bereiche Elektromagnetik, Strukturmechanik, Akustik, Strömung, Wärmetransport und Chemie relevant sind. Sie können diese Beispiele als Ausgangspunkt für Ihre eigene Simulationsarbeit verwenden, indem Sie das Tutorial-Modell oder die Demo-App-Datei und die dazugehörigen Anleitungen herunterladen.
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This example treats the modeling of electroosmotic flow in porous media. The system consists of a compartment of sintered porous material and two electrodes that generate an electric field. The cell combines pressure and electroosmotic driven flow. The equations that are solved are the ... Mehr lesen
Capacitively coupled RF discharges can operate in two distinct regimes depending on the discharge power. In the low power regime, known as the alpha regime, the electric field oscillation is responsible to heat and create electrons. In the high power regime, known as gamma regime, the ... Mehr lesen
Lithium-sulfur (Li-S) batteries are used in niche applications with high demands for specific energy densities, which may be as high as 500-600 Wh/kg. The chemistry is fairly complex, since multiple polysulfide species participate in the various charge transfer reactions. The chemistry ... Mehr lesen
This model solves the Boltzmann equation in two-term approximation for a mixture of nitrogen and oxygen representing a background gas of dry air. Electron transport coefficients and source terms are computed by suitable integration of the electron energy distribution function over ... Mehr lesen
This tutorial uses a “black-box” approach to define a battery model based on a small set of lumped parameters, assuming no knowledge of the internal structure or design of the battery electrodes, or choice of materials. The input to the model is the battery capacity, the initial state ... Mehr lesen
The purpose of this model is to visualize the electric potential in an electrochemical cell, for example a battery. This is done at OCV and during operation. In a battery, this would correspond to OCV, discharge, and recharge. The potential profile is explained both for cells with planar ... Mehr lesen
Durch unsachgemäßen Gebrauch, wie zum Beispiel interne oder externe Kurzschlüsse oder übermäßige Erwärmung, kann eine einzelne Akkuzelle thermisch durchgehen, wobei die Akkuzelle eine erhebliche Menge an Wärme erzeugt. Wenn während eines thermischen Durchgehens genügend Wärme zwischen ... Mehr lesen
Kleine Heizkreisläufe finden in vielen Anwendungen Verwendung. In Fertigungsprozessen erhitzen sie zum Beispiel reaktive Flüssigkeiten. Das Gerät in diesem Beispiel besteht aus einer elektrischen Widerstandsschicht, die auf einer Glasplatte aufgebracht ist. Die Schicht führt zu einer ... Mehr lesen
The COMSOL® software includes capabilities for 3D plasma modeling. In this example, a square coil is placed on top of a dielectric window and is electrically excited at 13.56 MHz. A plasma is formed in the chamber beneath the dielectric window, which contains argon gas at low ... Mehr lesen
This model illustrates the effect of oxygen and hydrogen formation and recombination on the performance and self-discharge of an electrochemical capacitor with a water-based electrolyte. A load cycle consisting of mixed constant current pulses and rest periods at an open circuit is ... Mehr lesen