VMH "299610.0 [mm^3]*sectorNum" "Total volume of metal hydride in the tank" mMH VMH*rhoM*porM "Total mass of metal hydride in the tank" mabsH2 22.630[g] "Absorbed hydrogen H2 mass in the tank at 3600 s (from Evaluation Group, H2 Absorption)" simulatedWtFraction mabsH2/(mMH+mabsH2) "Weight fraction H2 charged according to simulations" XHcharged 1.0049 "Charged XH according to simulations at 3600 s (from Evaluation Group, Average Temperature and Charged XH)" expectedWtFraction XHcharged*M_H2/2/(MnM+XHcharged*M_H2/2) "Expected weight fraction at said XH" dev (1-expectedWtFraction/simulatedWtFraction) "Less than 2 % deviation between expected and derived value"