dCart 2[mm] "Thickness, cartridge" hCartSection 85[mm] "Height, cartridge" rTank rInnerCart+dMH+2*dCart "Radius, tank" dTank 3[mm] "Wall thickness, tank" rInnerCart 30[mm] "Radius, Inner position of cartridge" dMH 30[mm] "Thickness, metal hydride" hMH hCartSection*0.8 "Height, metal hydride" rInlet 20[mm] "Radius, inlet pipe" hTank 2*dTank+cartNum*hCartSection+0.3*hCartSection "Outer height, tank" dInlet 2[mm] "Thickness, inlet pipe" rCartHole 7[mm] "Radius, cartridge holes" hTopInlet hTank*0.12 "Top height, inlet pipe" hInnerInlet 7[mm] "Inner height, inlet pipe" hOutletCoolingPipe 3[cm] "Height cooling pipe, outlet" rOutletCoolingPipe 0.5[cm] "Radius cooling pipe, outlet" dCoolingChannel 4[mm] "Thickness, cooling channel" dTankOuterWall 3[mm] "Thickness, tank outer wall" cartNum 4 "Number of cartridges"