Die neuesten Berichte von COMSOL-Anwendern finden Sie in COMSOL News und Multiphysics Simulation.
Ein Professor am New Jersey Institute of Technology hat 15 Simulations-Apps für den Einsatz in Chemietechnik-Kursen und virtuellen Labors auf der ganzen Welt entwickelt. Mehr lesen
Researchers at Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Institute for Energy and Climate Research, and Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics used multiphysics modeling to optimize the chemical vapor deposition process for a tungsten material used in a fusion reactor divertor. Mehr lesen
Engineers at the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) can predict the performance of laser powder bed fusion, an additive manufacturing process for an injector used in hybrid rocket engines, by building and distributing a simulation app. Mehr lesen
Veryst Engineering, AltaSim Technologies, and GLL Bio-Med Analytics build applications in COMSOL Multiphysics® and distribute them using COMSOL Server™ and COMSOL Compiler™ to help make their customers' design workflows more efficient. Mehr lesen
Die FDA ermutigt pharmazeutische Unternehmen, Simulationen in ihre Produktentwicklungszyklen einzubeziehen, so dass die Unternehmen nach Kandidaten mit umfangreicher Simulationserfahrung suchen. Um diesen Bedarf zu decken, hat das University of Oklahoma College of Pharmacy Simulation in ... Mehr lesen
Die Ingenieure von Volkswagen Kassel entwickeln und vertreiben Simulations-Apps, mit denen sich die Festigkeit von Rotorblechen für Elektromotoren bewerten lässt. Mithilfe dieser spezialisierten Apps können sie das Design und die Entwicklung von Motoren rationalisieren und dabei Zeit und ... Mehr lesen
ABB built a digital twin of an electromagnetic flowmeter to mimic an actual flowmeter in a virtual environment. The digital twin, based on multiphysics modeling, enables ABB to improve flowmeter designs and predict device performance under field conditions. Mehr lesen
Audio entertainment systems for luxury cars must provide end users with the highest quality of in-car listening experiences. Engineers at HARMAN International use multiphysics simulation to design systems with the entire car in mind, and build applications to streamline their processes. Mehr lesen
To speed up the development process for a gas-insulated, metal-enclosed switchgear (GIS), while significantly reducing costs, Pinggao Group used COMSOL Multiphysics®. They also built a simulation application that enabled collaboration on the design throughout the organization. Mehr lesen
Viega designs residential and commercial radiant heating and cooling systems. By building simulation applications and distributing them to customers, they are able to share the results of their analyses with customers and offer them valuable engineering support. Mehr lesen