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Sehen Sie sich die Kollektion für die COMSOL Conference 2024 an
Induction furnaces are employed for vacuum distillation process to recover heavy metals after electro-refining operation. Induction furnace of suitable heating rate and cooled by passive means are required to be developed for this purpose. It is planned to set up a mock up induction ... Mehr lesen
ITER is a joint international research and development project that aims to demonstrate the scientific and technical feasibility of fusion power. A main function of ITER is to test the tritium producing TBM (Test Blanket Module). In IN-LLCB (Lead Lithium Cooled Ceramic Breeder) TBM ... Mehr lesen
Divertor is act as an exhaust for the nuclear fusion reactor. Main function of a divertor is to remove the heat flux from the plasma. Plasma facing components of the divertor are made up of Carbon (Graphite/CFC) and tungsten like materials[1]. Hence these materials are exposed to the ... Mehr lesen
Liquid metals are the extensively used as coolants in nuclear reactors.However, the heat transfer mechanism differs significantly in low Prandtl number heavy liquid metals (HLM’s) than those observed in common fluids. It is crucial to have the accurate heat transfer correlation for the ... Mehr lesen
Energy storage is an essential component for hybrid power system using non-conventional energy resources. Batteries, compressed air energy storage, pumped hydro plants etc. have been developed for storage. However, these have demerits like losses involved in energy conversion and time ... Mehr lesen
Wind energy is one of the fastest growing renewable energy sources for electricity generation over the past decade. The offshore installation of large-scale wind farms draws huge attention because of better wind profile. Direct drive synchronous wind turbine generators are now a global ... Mehr lesen
According to clinical reports, cardiovascular disease has become a major global healthcare problem. The deposition of fats, cholesterol etc. at the arterials walls causes thrombus formation leading to stenosis and arterial blockage. To tackle this, along with arterial bypass, the use of ... Mehr lesen
Non contact charging of electronic equipment from mobiles to electric vehicle has created immense interest among researchers. There are various groups working on both radiative and non-radiative energy transfer. The idea based on strongly coupled magnetic resonances is of interest ... Mehr lesen
High Pressure Processing (HPP) is a leading non-thermal food processing technology that is often cited as a major technological innovation in food preservation. Although it is very early to place this emerging technology among the list of breakthroughs in food processing, HPP has started ... Mehr lesen
Piezoelectric energy harvester converts mechanical vibrations into electrical energy via piezoelectric effect. The geometry of the piezoelectric cantilever beam greatly affects its vibration energy harvesting ability [1]. In this paper a MEMS based energy harvester with a non-traditional ... Mehr lesen