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Sehen Sie sich die Kollektion für die COMSOL Conference 2024 an
LiveLink™ for MATLAB® is used to fit the surface temperature of a battery cell within a COMSOL Multiphysics® model to the temperature measured by a thermal imaging camera. The test bench was designed and built up of ourselves to allow nondestructive thermal diffusivity measurement of Li ... Mehr lesen
We discuss the use of COMSOL Multiphysics 3.4 in the aerodynamic optimization process of the UNLV solarpowered UAV. We also address the use of COMSOL’s Multiphysics ability and how it was used within the scope of the project. In particular we highlight the development of wingtip devices, ... Mehr lesen
During the basic operation of a lithium-sulfur (Li-S) cell, sulfur molecules are required to undergo a complex mix of electrochemical and chemical reaction processes. To date, almost all modeling of Li-S cell behavior has been undertaken using electroneutral, structurally homogenized, ... Mehr lesen
This paper presents a methodology towards designing, analyzing and optimizing piezoelectric interdigitated microactuators using COMSOL Multiphysics. The models used in this study were based on a circularly interdigitated design that takes advantage of primarily the d{;sub}33 ... Mehr lesen
Drop test simulation is one of the important tool used for the impact behaviour study of electronic components. It identifies the flaws in design. The reliability and performance of electronic consoles after the drop is a major concern. Devices are expected to continue functioning after ... Mehr lesen
Redmer van Tijum studied Applied Physics at the University of Groningen. In 2006, he received his PhD title on ‘Interface and surface roughness of polymer metal laminates’ in the field of Material Science at the University of Groningen. After that he became research and development ... Mehr lesen
Introduction: After more than 20 years of experience in EV applications, the sodium nickel chloride technology is fully mature for large scale energy storage. Early on, mathematical modeling of Na-MCl2 cell (M standing for Fe or Ni) has attracted attention to help identifying predominant ... Mehr lesen
自铅酸电池发明以来,由于其功率密度高,成本低等优点,铅酸电池成为目前市场份额最高的二次电池。但是铅酸电池能量密度较低等缺点限制了它在诸如电动汽车等领域的应用。为拓展铅酸电池的应用范围,本文提出了一种新型铅酸电池——铅空气电池,并利用 COMSOL Multiphysics® 对其性能进行初步预测。铅空气电池是将传统铅酸电池中氧化铅电极替换为空气电极的一种新型铅酸电池。建立模型的过程中参考了案例库中“铅酸电池的放电与自放电”和“一维等温锂空气电池”两个案例,使用铅酸电池接口模拟电极反应,电极孔隙率变化,电解质传递行为和浓度变化 ... Mehr lesen
When it comes to study the behavior of the secondary batteries, physics-based models are more representative of the real behaviour than equivalent circuit models, especially for the estimation of the life and capacity fading. On the other hand, the complexity and computational cost of ... Mehr lesen
This paper presents a study on the heat generation of Valve-Regulated Lead Acid (VRLA) batteries used in off-grid streetlighting applications from PoleCo, a Halifax based company. One goal of the project was to produce validated COMSOL® models of the enclosure that holds these VRLA ... Mehr lesen