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NMC523电池因为其较高的容量,已经逐渐应用于动力电池行列,但是锂离子电池在使用过程中的不合理容易引发热失控事故。这项模拟工作是来验证探讨NMC523电池针刺热失控中的机理。模拟过程中用到COMSOL化学反应工程模块、全局常微分方程模块。通过模拟,能够看到针刺过程中电池电压变化以及跟随的温度变化。这项模拟工作参考了部分主流杂志的模拟思路,也融合了自己的理解从而进行建模计算。此次模拟能够为电池针刺热失控机理探究提供思路,也能够为正确使用锂离子电池提供建议。 Mehr lesen
Two Anode Surface processes are examined : Formation of Solid Electrolyte Interphase (SEI) and heating due to Shuttle Current. During charging, higher order sulfur species are reduced at the anode surface, while they are concurrently being oxidized at the cathode. This leads to the ... Mehr lesen
Using COMSOL Multiphysics 3.5, a numerical model has been developed to determine the effect of the channel geometry and electrode configuration on cell performance based on polarization curves. The Butler-Volmer equation was implemented to determine the reaction rates at the electrodes. ... Mehr lesen
Model calibration and validation were implemented using experimental data from literature. We utilized a microfluidic electrochemical cell that was configured with parallel, rectangular, and multi-layered channels, which is operating in a co-flow mode. CO2 gas stream enters the cathode ... Mehr lesen
引言 采用相变材料的汽车电池热管理技术已经被广泛研究,利用相变材料的相变潜热对电池进行温控,能有效降低电池高倍率工作条件下的电池温升,提高温度均匀性[1,2]。热管作为一种高导热,紧凑型,形式灵活的换热器件,也被用于电池热管理之中[3,4]。本文针对相变材料与热管相结合的换热结构,对该结构的换热特点,以及对影响该结构换热效果的相关参数进行了数值模拟研究。 COMSOL Multiphysics® 的使用 利用 COMSOL Multiphysics 中的电化学模块和传热模块,建立了二维的电池-热管-相变材料“三明治”结构(图1)。电池部分采用了热 ... Mehr lesen
All-solid-state batteries are among the next generation battery concepts that are currently being envisaged among both the international research community and industrial electronic vehicle producers. In addition to a long lifetime of more than several thousand cycles and intrinsic ... Mehr lesen
Modeling the heat generation and the heat transfer of the electrode of lithium-ion battery are introduced. There are several models, such as an homogeneous heating model and a model considering the current and reaction distribution of electrode. Generally, electrodes have large area and ... Mehr lesen
Recent rapid progress in MEMS with wireless communication system has enabled low power micro sensor network for human body, Body Area Sensor Network (BASN). The information gathering from BASNs will provide a significant opportunities for various medical applications. One of the key ... Mehr lesen
A two-dimensional stationary model of a vanadium oxygen fuel cell is developed in COMSOL Multiphysics®. This energy storage device combines a vanadium flow battery anode and an oxygen fuel cell cathode. The oxygen reduction reaction generates additional water, leading to a degradation of ... Mehr lesen
Enzymatic biofuel cells (EBFCs) are miniature implantable power sources, which use enzymes as catalysts to perform redox reaction with biological fuels such as glucose. In this study, we focused on a three dimensional EBFC chip with highly dense micro-electrode arrays, fabricated by ... Mehr lesen