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Sehen Sie sich die Kollektion für die COMSOL Conference 2024 an
Electrocoalescence is the phenomenon of coalescence of droplets suspended in an insulating liquid or in a gas under the action of an electric field. Electrocoalescence is considered a promising tool in many petrochemical industries for desalting crude oils. However, this technique ... Mehr lesen
The computation of electric field strength is the state-of-the-art technique for designing and optimizing High-Voltage (HV) equipment. In this research, the equipment under analysis is Cable Termination (CaTr) which is used to apply high-voltage (75 kV – 800 kV AC) on the cable to be ... Mehr lesen
Uterine contractions during pregnancy are currently poorly understood – experts disagree on the mechanisms by which contractions propagate through the organ and the structural layout of the uterine muscle fibers. We have developed a multi-scale model of the uterus, at the cellular, ... Mehr lesen
Sensors have diverse applications ranging from the medical field to space exploration. They convert physical parameters such as temperature, pressure, humidity etc. into an electrical output. The discovery of piezoresistivity property of silicon and germanium led to miniaturization of ... Mehr lesen
To reduce friction in lubricated tribological contacts, the surfaces of the contacting bodies can be microstructured to improve lubricating conditions. For lower loaded contacts this approach has already reached industrial applications, e.g. the piston-liner contact. For higher loaded ... Mehr lesen
This paper explores methods of improving the heat transfer coefficient in a crossflow heat exchanger as would be employed in conjunction with an experimental or production microreactor. This derivation of the Cross-Flow Heat Exchanger from the COMSOL Multiphysics® software Model Library ... Mehr lesen
This study is to investigate the velocity pattern and the velocity magnitude of the cuttings that is being processed in the process mill as a result of the rotating hammers. The process mill consists of a horizontal cylindrical shell equipped with renewable liners and rotating hammers ... Mehr lesen
COMSOL Multiphysics® has been used to predict the magnetic fields, eddy current, lorenz forces and stresses during a disruption for the new Advanced Outer Divertor for the Alcator C-Mod tokamak. A tokamak is used to study magnetic confinement of plasma for fusion, and a disruption ... Mehr lesen
Seawater intrusion into coastal aquifers is usually modeled by using transport models that include account for the effect of variable-density on flow. Variable-density models can be validated with the Henry and Elder benchmark problems. However, when mixed convective flow is simulated ... Mehr lesen
Metal reed valves are used for flow rectification in electrohydraulic pumps driven by smart materials at high frequencies but it is difficult to predict their behavior when the surrounding fluid has considerable inertia and viscosity. Simulation of this phenomenon involves modeling the ... Mehr lesen