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Sehen Sie sich die Kollektion für die COMSOL Conference 2024 an
The conventional route to hydrogen production is by steam reforming of methane (MSR) in a multitubular packed bed. With the increasing use of biodiesel as a renewable fuel, interest has grown in steam reforming of the excess glycerol produced as a side product (GSR). We use COMSOL ... Mehr lesen
3D finite element analysis model has been constructed for testing the directional dependence in a novel form of nanowire array gas flow sensor. Single nanowire (p-type single crystal Silicon) model is developed using fluid structure interaction and piezoresistivity components in the MEMS ... Mehr lesen
The process of accelerated curing of pre-cast concrete has a significant importance in the thermal behavior of concrete. A multiphysics model that describes hydration and heat and mass transport in cement based materials was developed. The hydration reactions are described by a maturity ... Mehr lesen
Extreme localized superheating and homogeneous vapor bubble nucleation have recently been demonstrated in a single nanopore in thin, solid state membranes [1]. Aqueous electrolytic solution present within the pore is superheated to well above its boiling point by Joule heating from ionic ... Mehr lesen
The field of underwater acoustics research is constantly growing with the ongoing improvement of acoustic measuring techniques. An acoustic hydrophone receiver is a passive listening device which is widely used in biological research and sonar technology. The hydrophone however suffers ... Mehr lesen
A model of an office room was created in the COMSOL Multiphysics® software to simulate heat transfer and study the impact of siting a mass of phase change material (PCM) in a room to increase thermal comfort. This study determined that incorporating the selected PCM, butyl stearate, in ... Mehr lesen
The estimation of the soil saturated hydraulic conductivity (Ks) is crucial in understanding water flow and transport of contaminants. There are many hydrological techniques available in determining this parameter (constant head method, in-situ soil analysis, etc...). While these ... Mehr lesen
We simulated the diffusion of calcium ions through a nanopore created in the cell membrane by electroporation, in presence and absence of the external electric field responsible of the membrane permeabilization. First we solved the set of coupled differential equations that describe the ... Mehr lesen
Electroporation is an increase of the cell membrane permeability due to the formation of aqueous pores in it when the cell is under the influence of an intense electric field [1][2]. The formation of such pores in the membrane can be used to enhance the uptake of chemotherapeutic drugs ... Mehr lesen
Here we aim to advance geomagnetic modeling approaches using COMSOL Multiphysics® software and improve the degree of detail that can be obtained from the measured magnetic field. First, we carried out benchmark tests by comparing the computed results using the widely used analytic ... Mehr lesen