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Sehen Sie sich die Kollektion für die COMSOL Conference 2024 an
Vibration and music therapies are non-invasive treatments having effective results although their basics are still disputed. By the application of COMSOL Multiphysics® software for modeling and analysis, some of the nonlinear physical phenomena laying on these applications may be ... Mehr lesen
In this paper describes an original method for indirect measurement of the vapor pressure and temperature in the keyhole in electron beam welding. This method is based on the determination of the concentration of chemical elements in the vapor above the welding zone. Taking into account ... Mehr lesen
For certain classes of scientific and technical computations the cloud may offer easily accessible, scalable, and affordable gigantic computing power. A power that for these classes may lead to a step change in model and analysis complexity compared to what is feasible with dedicated ... Mehr lesen
The Spark Plasma Sintering is a breakthrough way of elaboration of more or less complex shape materials from powder. This process allows the sintering of materials in few minutes compare to hours by conventional sintering. One of the main goals of the SPS modeling is to be able to ... Mehr lesen
In the medium term, gas hydrate reservoirs in the subsea sediment are intended as deposits for carbon dioxide (CO2) from fossil fuel consumption. This idea is supported by the fact, that CO2 hydrates are more stable than methane hydrates at certain conditions. The potential of producing ... Mehr lesen
A COMSOL Multiphysics® model is used to optimise the slot geometry of a large air-gap linear synchronous motor. Fixed dimensions are used for the pole pitch, stator depth, stator width and air-gap, since the amount of available space is usually limited. A parametric sweep of the slot ... Mehr lesen
Ozone treatment is an oxidative process used in wastewater treatment plant to demolish complex organic molecule. In the case of textile industry is required to adequately remove residual color, demolishing the chromophoric bonds or groups in the dye molecules. A useful method for adding ... Mehr lesen
Mathematical Modeling has a long history in developmental biology. Advances in experimental techniques and computational algorithms now permit the development of increasingly more realistic models of organogenesis. In particular, 3D geometries of developing organs have recently become ... Mehr lesen
Multiphysics Simulation of Polymer-Based Filters for Sub-Millimeter Space Optics This work focuses its analysis on polymer-based filters used in space-borne astronomical instrumentation for Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation and Far-Infrared observations. Most of these observatories ... Mehr lesen
Research at Fraunhofer EMI addresses the response of materials in extreme dynamic loads. Besides mechanical or thermal loads, intense electric pulse currents also represent an extreme dynamic load. Experimentally, metallic samples, mainly thick wires, were electro-mechanically loaded ... Mehr lesen