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Study of interaction of drops and bubbles with electric field is important for understanding the physics involved in various physical phenomenas and industrial processes. Important applications arise in colloidal systems (Miller and Scriven, 1970), meteorology and cloud physics (Sartor, ... Mehr lesen
The paper provides an overview of the state of art in computational electromagnetic. There are three major ar eas like Design, optimization and material selection for the electric machines. The computational tool based on finite elements is very useful and powerful field simulation ... Mehr lesen
Electromagnetic Forming (EMF) is a promising and relatively new manufacturing technology having significant advantages over conventional forming processes. A primary characteristic of this process is use of noncontact electromagnetic forces to achieve forming and shaping of various ... Mehr lesen
A novel mechanism for the carbothermal reduction of Ilmenite is proposed and validated with the help of a comprehensive mathematical model. A time-dependent isothermal pellet-grain model is used to simulate the kinetic behaviour of a spherical pellet of ilmenite (FeTiO3) in CO/CO2 ... Mehr lesen
In this paper, detail magnetostructural analysis of fusion grade superconducting toroidal field coils that are used in ‘tokamaks’ is presented. The stresses that arise due to Lorentz forces in large size superconducting coils that carry high currents are of catastrophic type in nature. ... Mehr lesen
Spent fuel transportation casks are required to meet among others (test conditions), the regulatory thermal test conditions in order to demonstrate their ability to withstand specified accidental fire conditions during transport. This paper describes the transient thermal analysis ... Mehr lesen
The effects of electric fields on combustion flames have been studied by using several types of experimental techniques as well as few numerical methods. The flame is influenced by the electric field mainly due to the charges present as a result of chemical reactions that take place in ... Mehr lesen
Finite elements using COMSOL Multiphysics have been used to simulate the edge plasma in a large area capacitively coupled RF reactor. In order to reduce numerical difficulties simplified reactor edge geometries have been used. First results show the importance of electrostatic double ... Mehr lesen
In the case of electron beam welding of copper with stainless steel, two principal cases of welding pool morphology are possible: a droplet-like microstructure where the electron beam deviates to the copper side due to the thermoelectric effect, so the volume of molten copper is much ... Mehr lesen
Murphy and Good general theory for electron emission from metal surfaces was used to predict the field-emission capabilities of ideal arrays of vertically aligned carbon nanotubes (VACNT). The Nottingham effect was taken into account in order to explain experimental observation of a ... Mehr lesen