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Sehen Sie sich die Kollektion für die COMSOL Conference 2024 an
Deformable image registration is a form of medical image processing that can provide insights into the development of phenomenon and variation in normal anatomical structure over time. Prior to post-operative pleural photodynamic therapy (PDT), a series of CT scans of lungs will be ... Mehr lesen
In simulating physical systems modeled as solutions of partial differential equations over an unbounded domain, a challenge arises owing to the impossibility to cover an unbounded domain with a mesh. A classical problem in fluid dynamics, a solid sphere of radius a_s is submerged in a ... Mehr lesen
Throughout history, the copper pyrometallurgical processes have been carried out mostly in discontinuous or batch systems. In recent decades new continuous technologies have been developed but focused only on Smelting and Converting stages leaving aside the Refining one. In 2002 a novel ... Mehr lesen
MEMS(Microelectromechanical systems) based energy harvesting is process of extracting energy from natural resources in small amounts. Here, number of (millions) small energy harvesting modules lead to substancial energy. In this design, a piezoelectric material is used to scavenge ... Mehr lesen
Electrowetting on Dielectrics (EWOD)systems is widely practiced digital microfluidic technique, used in Lab-on-a-Chip (LoC) system for biomedical application. In EWOD, with applied potential, the droplet minimizes its surface energy by transiting towards the actuated electrode. The ... Mehr lesen
Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP) has been selected as a means of treating calcined high level waste (HLW). The process combines high temperature and pressure to densify the HLW in to a mineral similar to the geologic formulation of granite. This study uses COMSOL to predict densification ... Mehr lesen
We are developing nanoparticle detector for airborn particles. The detection principle is based on condensation of nanoparticles forming micron sized water droplets and detection of the droplets by a capacitive type nanodetector. We have successfully performed some experimental ... Mehr lesen
An electromagnetic horn is a device used in particle physics to produce a strong pulsed toroidal magnetic field and to focus charged particles toward a detector. A multiphysics analysis is performed to assess the stress level inside the horn structure. In steady state regime, the horn ... Mehr lesen
Surface aeration systems are used in the wastewater treatment industry for the transfer of oxygen in the activated sludge process. These systems are capital intensive and also require a significant amount of energy to operate. Scale-up and design of these systems is largely empirical, ... Mehr lesen
This paper reports the design of a piezoelectric energy harvesting micro generator for an energy autonomous tire pressure monitoring wireless sensor node. For our design we use a piezoelectric MEMS generator approach without additional mass. The intrinsic mass of the cantilever is in the ... Mehr lesen