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Sehen Sie sich die Kollektion für die COMSOL Conference 2024 an
Dye sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) have received tremendous attention as alternative photon harvesting devices. While the sintered TiO2 nanoparticle network attached with dye molecules achieves efficient photon absorption, the electrons have to diffuse through the long TiO2 network to ... Mehr lesen
In a nuclear reactor, the containment is the last barrier for the release of radioactivity during severe accident conditions. Containment material can be concrete or steel or steel-lined concrete. Steel containments have a high load bearing capacity and a high degree of leak tightness at ... Mehr lesen
This study aims at the design and optimization of a Gas Sensing Chamber. The design takes advantage of the multiphysics simulation capabilities of COMSOL Multiphysics® to incorporate various physics such as CFD, Micro fluidics, Solid Mechanics, Electro thermal effects etc. The ... Mehr lesen
A COMSOL Multiphysics® model of our apparatus has been created in order to simulate the pressurizations of our nanoparticles by Deuterium. Using reference measurements during a cooling process, we calibrated the model so that its thermal aspects reflect the ones of our experimental set ... Mehr lesen
This paper deals with a numerical modelling technique based on finite elements method for computing magnetic field and current density distributions in high temperature Superconducting (HTS) tapes. The model is developed using the T-ῼ formulation for which the degree of freedom (DOF) and ... Mehr lesen
Geometries with heterogeneous material properties are typically defined as a set of multiple parts, each part representing a different material. However, assembling or defining the individual parts of complex geometries can be difficult. A practical method based on image-based mesh ... Mehr lesen
COMSOL Multiphysics® coupled with Solidworks® is employed to design, simulate and fabricate cartridges for a materials printer to accomplish in-situ curing of UV curable ink patterns as they are printed on flexible media for printed electronic circuit manufacturing. The cartridges ... Mehr lesen
Single coil actuators are representing one important component of ABB’s medium voltage reclosers. Their performance is strongly influenced by the considered material properties as well as by the electronic control units’ properties that will power the actuator. Therefore, this paper ... Mehr lesen
Recovery of oil by gas injection is usually inefficient due to the low viscosity of the gas, which results in bypassing of the oil. By adding surfactant solutions it is possible to get in-situ foam formation. Foam has a much higher “viscosity” and hence does not bypass the oil, leading ... Mehr lesen
Electric resistances are widely used as heating elements in domestic and industrial equipment; since process water contains calcium carbonate and calcium bicarbonate, limescale plays an important role on global efficiency of water-heating systems. Calcium carbonate has a very low thermal ... Mehr lesen