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Sehen Sie sich die Kollektion für die COMSOL Conference 2024 an
We study the spin wave excitation (coherent precession of magnetic moments) in periodically arranged magnetic stripes, i.e., in one-dimensional magnonic crystal (MC). Two approaches have been implemented. We have defined a structure that dispersion relation can be obtained using both ... Mehr lesen
Excessive air damping can be detrimental to the performance of oscillating MEMS components. Complex systems, such as structures in pre-etched cavities or angular comb-drive scanning mirrors, typically require simulations to reliably evaluate the air damping. The simulated and ... Mehr lesen
A first generation air foil bearing (AFB) is shown in Figure 1. AFBs induce, at higher rotating speeds, an air film between the journal and the top foil, which lowers the friction forces. The goal of this study is to develop a model of an AFB. The thickness of the air film depends on ... Mehr lesen
COMSOL Multiphysics® has been used to develop assessment tools for the NASA-sponsored Precision Combustion, Inc. (PCI) regenerable Microlith®- based adsorber modules. The Full Scale Water Removal (FSWR) PCI Microlith® was initially modeled for comparison with exit velocity data, ... Mehr lesen
In this paper we made an attempt to maximize the power output in the different piezoelectric materials in a unimorph cantilever beam configuration. In this research, a macro scale unimorph piezoelectric power generator prototypes consists of an active piezoelectric layer, stainless steel ... Mehr lesen
The present work reports the fabrication process of micro lens for pinhole cameras, modeled using COMSOL Multiphysics®, by satisfying the wetting properties. Wetting is a change in contact angle between the liquid and solid surface area. The wetting properties are clearly understood in ... Mehr lesen
Polymer hydrogels are commonly used as carriers or vehicles for the controlled release of drugs, primarily because of their bio-compatibility and because rates of drug release can be controlled by manipulating polymer properties like molecular weight, cross linking ratio, etc. Drugs can ... Mehr lesen
• Real-time detection and monitoring of bio-fuel blend-ratio and adulterated automobile fuels by a reproducible micro-fabrication process in a cost-and-time efficient manner. • COMSOL Multiphysics® simulations and modelling of Viscosity based Laminar Flow inside a Y-shaped Micro ... Mehr lesen
Liquid metals are foreseen as a multipurpose coolant in fusion blanket systems. However, the strongly magnetic environment of the fusion reactor hinders the regular flow of the liquid metal. It interacts with transverse magnetic field and produces a Lorentz force opposing the flow, ... Mehr lesen
Forced airflow cooling of a Volume Bragg Grating heated by a laser beam was investigated by means of simulation with COMSOL Multiphysics®. In addition to air cooling of unrestricted airflow, a case of airflow directed by limiting glass plates was investigated. A number of temperature ... Mehr lesen