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Sehen Sie sich die Kollektion für die COMSOL Conference 2024 an
Engineering design studies of the feasibility of conversion of the High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) from high-enriched uranium to low-enriched uranium fuel are ongoing at ORNL as part of an effort sponsored by the U.S. Global Threat Reduction Initiative program. HFIR is a very high flux, ... Mehr lesen
Introduction Steam reforming of natural gas has been the most common method for producing synthesis gas (CO + H2) for the production of H2, MeOH and NH3 for over half a century [1]. Production of H2 in the USA using steam methane reforming (SMR) is ca. 9 MM tons/yr. Global production ... Mehr lesen
Conventional swing is one phenomenon which a bowler uses to gain an advantage over the batsman. This study involved simulating conventional swing in the CFD Module of COMSOL Multiphysics® software and comparing the simulated results with experimental results of previous researchers. The ... Mehr lesen
Stockton University has one of the largest closed loop geothermal system in North America. It provides heating and cooling for the university academic facilities. The well field comprises of a grid of four hundred wells bored to a depth of 130m. The ground is composed of three aquifers ... Mehr lesen
In order to achieve an optimized design of the Multi-Lumen Thoracic Catheter (MLTC), fluid dynamics analyses were conducted utilizing COMSOL Multiphysics® software with LiveLink™ for Solidworks®. Lumen placement, diameters, and termination points were adjusted to ensure maximum drainage ... Mehr lesen
Introduction The electrical properties of materials are important in many different applications. In microelectronics for example, films must perform as insulators, semiconductor or as conducting layers. In recent years, scanning probe methods are being extended to the nanometre scale ... Mehr lesen
We have developed single leg model using COMSOL Multiphysics® software to compute Φ of TE materials without using conventional ZT parameters. The Φ were calculated using parametric programming in PDE by using special probe to capture change in power (∆P), ΔT, and area (A), thus (Φ = ∆P/A ... Mehr lesen
The primary motivation of this work was to develop flow models in porous media with fractal properties to represent the anomalous behavior observed in some pressure tests in naturally fractured reservoirs. Mehr lesen
A comparison of discrete fracture and explicit fracture models for single-phase flow in fractured porous media using COMSOL Multiphysics® software is presented to understand the contribution of each individual fracture to fluid flow, and the exchange between fracture and surrounding ... Mehr lesen
This session is devoted to phase change modeling in heat transfer simulations. The great interest in phase change comes from the outstanding thermal performance that it enables in particular for cooling or thermal protection applications. Alternatively, phase change can induce most of ... Mehr lesen