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Sehen Sie sich die Kollektion für die COMSOL Conference 2024 an
Depletion layer MEMS actuators have been demonstrated in the past in p-n junctions as well as Schottky barrier interfaces to be effective transducers for internal transduction of high Q MEMS resonators without the need for piezoelectric materials or small resonator-electrode gaps. ... Mehr lesen
A horizontal array of Si microlines (line width ~1 µm) was formed on a Silicon-on-Insulator (SOI) wafer [1] and was used as a photodetector to study the photoresponse in the wavelength range 400 nm to 1100 nm. The fabrication of partial suspended Si microstructure array was made using a ... Mehr lesen
A technological revolution of Point-Of-Care (POC) devices is becoming essential, especially infectious diseases diagnosis for vulnerable population, it can be achieved by upgrading the Lab on Card device. In this device, the reaction is conducted by an Eppendorf tube as a biological ... Mehr lesen
In COMSOL Multiphysics® RF Module we investigate optical properties of various shapes of gold nanoparticles suspended in water and deposited on a glass substrate. Further, using the Microwave Heating Multiphysics coupling we want to evaluate heating effects related to electromagnetic ... Mehr lesen
The aim of the present work is to explore through the developed numerical model the separation of exosomes from a more complex mixture of particles i.e. red blood cells and white blood cells, through combined acoustofluidics and fluid relocation in a bulk acoustic wave microfluidic ... Mehr lesen
Field aging of asphalt pavement plays a vital role in limiting the pavements’ service life, and it is one of the major reasons for road maintenance. A long-term field aging results from the oxidation of asphalt mixtures when exposed to the ambient environmental conditions for extended ... Mehr lesen
Introduction The soluble lead flow battery (SLFB) is a form of redox flow battery (RFB), an electrochemical device where energy is stored in a liquid electrolyte. The electrolyte is pumped around a flow circuit from a reservoir to the cell where redox reactions occur and the energy is ... Mehr lesen
Hyperloop is a theoretical high-speed mass transportation system which aims to increase efficiency through the use of low-pressure tunnels and contactless propulsion. The University of Edinburgh’s Hyperloop Team (HYPED) has been selected to participate in the SpaceX Hyperloop Pod ... Mehr lesen
Environmental factors such as temperature and humidity can significantly affect the quality of the metal powder used in power bed fusion additive manufacturing, leading to variations in the integrity of finished components. It is therefore important to monitor and minimize the exposure ... Mehr lesen
Irradiance is fundamental in the energy production of photovoltaic (PV) modules and models can be developed using just irradiance data. However, module temperature has also significant impact on the power output. In locations with high ambient temperatures PV module performance can be ... Mehr lesen