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Sehen Sie sich die Kollektion für die COMSOL Conference 2024 an
The Dirac equation is employed in particle physics and historically gave the first combined unification of quantum mechanics and relativity theory by introducing a four component wave function Ψn n=1…4. This wave function describes the behavior of fermion type particles. The effect of a ... Mehr lesen
This paper deals with the numerical simulation of Annular Linear Induction Pump (ALIP) using Finite Element Method based software COMSOL Multiphysics® . ALIP is used for pumping of liquid sodium in various experimental facilities and in auxiliary circuits of fast reactors. Usually, the ... Mehr lesen
COMSOL®, like other finite element analysis software, enables analysis of an object of given geometry, material properties, boundary conditions, and loading. In this paper, we present a synthesis module for a class of structures called shallow bistable arches. Bistable arches have two ... Mehr lesen
Measuring soil moisture content plays an important role not only for sustaining dry farming but also for soil mapping. Our work includes developing a soil moisture sensor which is based on the principle of the Dual-Probe Heat-Pulse method to measure soil moisture content. To validate ... Mehr lesen
Optimal design and development of a machine tool structures have great influence on the precision of the machine tool's operations. The present work involves the design optimization of cast iron made CNC Spindle head for minimum overall compliance and the minimum weight of structural ... Mehr lesen
Undesirable shocks and vibrations are a noteworthy issue in numerous human exercises and domains. Therefore, various damping techniques are used to minimise vibrations, can be classified as active, Semi-active and passive damping. The development of semi-actively controlled ... Mehr lesen
Modelling 3D IC structures with Through Silicon Vias (TSVs) and micro bumps is a promising technique to achieve “more than Moore” integration. Conventionally, Copper (Cu) is used as a TSV material. However, due to rapid scaling of interconnect, problems like electro-migration and surface ... Mehr lesen
Lyophilization is a dehydration process used to preserve perishable material like food. It depends on many parameters like temperature, pressure, rate of drying, type of heating for sublimation, chamber size etc. Therefore, optimization of multiple parameters is required for design and ... Mehr lesen
Laser material processing at micro-meter domain can be used for a plethora of applications such as micro drilling, micro welding, micro cutting, micro-texturing as well as micro polishing. These processes are governed by the time varying, complex melt hydrodynamics courtesy of melting ... Mehr lesen
Numerical investigations of magnetorheological elastomer millimeter-scale robots capable of undulatory swimming under magnetic body torques are realized for the first time in low Reynolds number condition using AC/DC, CFD, Structural Mechanics modules in COMSOL Multiphysics®. The ... Mehr lesen