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Sehen Sie sich die Kollektion für die COMSOL Conference 2024 an
This work investigates the frequency-dependent electrothermal behaviors of freestanding doped-silicon heated microcantilever probes operating under the periodic (ac) Joule heating. The transient heat conduction equation for each component (i.e., the low-doped heater region, the high ... Mehr lesen
AC electrothermal (ACET) micropumps are based on the temperature gradient caused by Joule heating or an external heat source in the bulk of an electrolyte. In this paper, a 2D simulation was performed to study the effect of substrate thickness and material (glass and silicon) for an ACET ... Mehr lesen
The simulation of a micromirror using polyimide as the structural material is presented. The simulation was used to verify the initial design parameters and to explore the different characteristics of the electromechanical device. For simulation simplicity the electrodes are integrated ... Mehr lesen
We present quantitative nano-scale analysis of the 3D spatial structure of an anticorrosive aluminium epoxy barrier marine coating obtained by ptychographic X-ray computed tomography (PXCT) [1-3]. We then use COMSOL Multiphysics® software to perform simulations on the acquired real 3D ... Mehr lesen
Introdução: A medição adequada de vazão de fluidos é de grande importância nos processos industriais, pois tem implicações diretas na qualidade, produtividade, segurança e eficiência dos processos. Assim, torna-se necessário compreendermos como os fluidos se comportam para baixas ... Mehr lesen
A Voltage Controlled Resistor (VCR) is simulated by replacing the semiconductor channel of a MOSFET device by graphite and embedding Si nanoparticles near the insulator-channel interface. The change in output drain current is found to depend on the thickness and relative permittivity of ... Mehr lesen
Fluid and structure Interaction analysis can be applied to versatile fields of engineering applications, helps in understanding the affects of one material on other, thereby reducing the effect of physical parameters like nonlinear response, vibration in flow channel etc. Rapid ... Mehr lesen
Today, MEMS based accelerometers are used in a variety of applications. To name a few, they are used in safety systems in automobiles, it has added a new dimension to miniaturization of devices, it has replaced traditional piezoelectric accelerometers, which were big and difficult to ... Mehr lesen
The Surface Acoustic Wave (SAW) linear motor was studied which is developed utilizing the friction principle for driving. The principle says that, when a slider is placed on the Rayleigh waves generated on a stator, the slider moves in reverse direction of the wave due to friction ... Mehr lesen
引言:柔性压力传感器在电子皮肤、智能假肢以及医疗监测诊断等领域发挥着十分重要的作用。因此压力传感器需要很高的灵敏度、较宽的敏感区间及稳定的性能。利用典型有机硅 PDMS 作为支撑层,聚合物 PEDOT: PSS 作为导电感应层制得的高度不均一微突结构的双压敏机制压阻传感器灵敏度达到了 851kPa-1。其探测范围广,性能优异,为解决目前压阻传感器中灵敏度低、敏感压力区间窄的难题提供了新思路。 COMSOL MULTIPHYSICS® 软件的使用:本文利用 COMSOL Multiphysics® 软件建立了不均匀微突结构的压阻式传感器模型 ... Mehr lesen