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三维地质建模是进行油藏数值模拟的前提。为了更为便捷地创建三维地质模型,本文开发了基于钻孔数据的三维地质建模APP,主要步骤为:(1)基于钻孔数据和COMSOL Multiphysics 内置的插值函数功能,建立参数化曲面,形成地层界面;(2)重复绘制参数化曲面,生成所有地层界面;(3)建立水平工作面,绘制研究区域轮廓线;(4)拉伸研究区域轮廓线充填所有界面间实体;(5)通过布尔运算删除实体的多余部分,最终转化为三维地质模型实体。该APP提供了更为便捷的、界面友好的三维地质建模手段,可应用于地质建模、油藏模拟等领域。 关键词:三维地质建模,参数化曲面,油藏模拟,APP ... Mehr lesen
2015年由美国大发起页岩气革命成功地使美国从油气进口国转变为油气出口国。这使得页岩气成为能源领域关注的热点。页岩气与煤炭和石油相比更为清洁,且储量更为丰富。开发页岩气的两项关键技术是水平井钻井技术和压裂改造地层技术。 然而,由于页岩相比于其他岩石水化学活性更强,导致在水平井钻穿储层过程中井壁极容易垮塌失稳。油基泥浆的使用可以克服上述问题,但成本昂贵且受环保限制。水基泥浆的普及依赖于对页岩水化的深入理解。在页岩水化反应过程中,温度场、离子浓度场、渗流场、应力场均不同程度地作用在井壁周围岩石,而且相互耦合作用随时间不断变化 ... Mehr lesen
Slab dehydration and fluid migration in subduction zone is important because it allows us to understand characteristics of the arc volcanism such as migration of the volcano front as well as the global circulation of water and carbon. To minimize the technical difficulties in the ... Mehr lesen
注蒸汽热力采油是稠油开发的一种有效方法,它涉及到储层地质、采油工程、传热学、经济分析等多门学科,是一项复杂、技术难度大的系统工程。研究蒸汽吞吐的热力学过程,包括井筒内饱和水蒸汽温度/压力传输、储层内多相流传质传热等,对于优选热采井生产方式和工作制度、提高采收率具有重要意义。本研究针对注蒸汽热采过程,将井筒与储层作为一个统一的系统,考虑井口注汽参数与储层吸汽能力之间的协调关系以及储层温度场、流体场、固体场之间的耦合关系,基于连续介质力学、流体力学、渗流力学、热弹性力学及传热学等相关理论,建立了反映变温、变形影响的井筒-储层耦合数学模型。基于COMSOL ... Mehr lesen
煤层气开采过程中煤层所受应力、孔隙压力的变化以及气体的吸附解吸,会导致煤体骨架和孔隙体积发生变化,改变煤层的渗流能力。基于多孔弹性理论、渗流力学并考虑吸附变形,建立了煤层压裂水平井的物理模型,并建立了煤体变形和气体流动的全耦合数学模型,推导出了渗透率的动态变化模型。利用数值分析软件Comsol Multiphysics对煤层气的开发特征及规律进行了数值模拟,最终实现对模型中关键参数的敏感性和压裂裂缝参数的影响进行分析。 Mehr lesen
A correct design and control of the irrigation cycles is very important for the correct and efficient grow of the crops. It is well known that a correct design of the irrigation cycles increases its efficiency and reduces the amount of water required. An important objective in the ... Mehr lesen
Immiscible two-phase flow in porous materials is a process of significant scientific and applied interest encountered in numerous technological applications related to energy and the environment (e.g. subsurface water flows, petroleum recovery, soil remediation and geologic carbon ... Mehr lesen
Permafrost is defined as soil which remains frozen for at least two consecutive years. In the Swiss Alps, it is a widespread phenomenon with a great impact on the landscape particularly regarding natural hazards. The occurrence of permafrost is not only influenced by meteorological ... Mehr lesen
The 3D knowledge of complex geological systems and their integration into hydrogeological models is a prerequisite to study the dynamics of hydraulic processes at different scales. However, the integration of constructed 3D geological models (GOCAD©) into numerical groundwater flow ... Mehr lesen
Black-oil simulators are commonly used in petroleum reservoir engineering for the prediction of oil production, especially during the earlier stages of oil-field exploitation, while also serving to guide pressure maintenance strategies in the longer term. Such models account for fluid ... Mehr lesen