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Sehen Sie sich die Kollektion für die COMSOL Conference 2024 an
The research aims to clarify some aspects of the thermo-fluid dynamics of woody biomass flue gas, within the twisted conduit inside the heat accumulation stoves, and exposes also some analysis about the heat transport and heat exchange processes. The high temperature flue gas flows in ... Mehr lesen
INVELOX is an innovative wind power generation system as shown in Figure 1. It is comprised of a wind capturing system that accelerates and delivers high kinetic energy wind to a power conversion system placed in the Venturi section of the INVELOX. The objective of this project is to ... Mehr lesen
Membrane-based tangential flow filtration (TFF) cassettes are used for the clarification, concentration and purification of fluid streams containing macromolecules of proteins. In TFF, the protein fluid is pumped tangentially along the surface of the membrane. The feed flow along the ... Mehr lesen
Simulation models for steady state thermal hydraulics analyses of ORNL’s HFIR have been developed using COMSOL. A single fuel plate and coolant channel of each type of HFIR fuel element was modeled in three dimensions. The standard k-? turbulence model was used in simulating turbulent ... Mehr lesen
Developers of numerical models who address the title problem face several hurdles, such as: (1), the need to formulate boundary conditions applicable in an unbounded region; (2), The need to specify conditions suitable to ensure a unique solution in a doubly connected region; and (3), ... Mehr lesen
In the Fluid Jet Method, a polishing fluid is compressed and delivered through a nozzle, allowing the spot area to become continuously replenished with abrasives and coolant. Process parameters include: Abrasive type and concentration, Inlet pressure, Nozzle diameter, Impingement angle, ... Mehr lesen
An inactive Demonstration facility for the integrated pyroprocess, named High temperature Electrorefining (HTER) facility is in developing stage. This facility is equipped with several types of pyroprocess equipment such as electro-refiner, salt and cadmium distillation equipment, ... Mehr lesen
For the educational program of Fluid Dynamics at the Fontys Hogeshool of Applied Physics, a wind tunnel was developed for tests of flow profiles of objects, such as a ball, cube or plate. Students are expected to measure the air resistance of a variety of objects, and verify the ... Mehr lesen
The paper aims to clarify some aspects of the gases hydro-dynamics within the twisted conduct of heat accumulation stoves (ceramic-refractory stoves) downstream the combustion chamber. Both Comsol laminar and k-e turbulent models have been used in case of straight and curved pipes with ... Mehr lesen
The model proposed by Schneider et al., for polymers is herein adapted in order to assess its suitability in elucidating the thixotropic behavior of aluminum alloys. The COMSOL Multiphysics program is employed to solve the inherent coupled mathematical problem, consisting in the ... Mehr lesen