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NMC523电池因为其较高的容量,已经逐渐应用于动力电池行列,但是锂离子电池在使用过程中的不合理容易引发热失控事故。这项模拟工作是来验证探讨NMC523电池针刺热失控中的机理。模拟过程中用到COMSOL化学反应工程模块、全局常微分方程模块。通过模拟,能够看到针刺过程中电池电压变化以及跟随的温度变化。这项模拟工作参考了部分主流杂志的模拟思路,也融合了自己的理解从而进行建模计算。此次模拟能够为电池针刺热失控机理探究提供思路,也能够为正确使用锂离子电池提供建议。 Mehr lesen
Wireless Bipolar Nanopore Electrode (WNE) as a new type of nanoelectrode offers a novel and generally accessible tool for analyzing single molecules/ions, discriminating single particles and probing single cells. The WNE fabricates by a metal coated quartz nanopore, which owns a gold ... Mehr lesen
It has already been demonstrated that fluid models can be used to simulate two-dimensional axisymmetric inductively coupled plasma via implementation in the COMSOL (multi-physics simulation software) platform. In this study, we improved the model and simulated a large scale magnetized ... Mehr lesen
污泥电解脱水(SED)是污泥减量化处理和资源化回收前的有效方法之一,而电解污泥脱水过程中温度会持续变化,且温度对脱水关键性能参数有很大影响。为了理解和预测电解污泥脱水过程中温度分布和变化过程,利用Comsol Multiphysics软件中一次电流分布和固体传热接口模拟了SED过程中污泥泥饼的温度分布和变化过程。在一次电流分部接口设置中,总电流数据采用实验所得数据的插值函数,电极界面符合塔菲尔定律。在固体传热接口中,热源采用一次电流分布单项耦合电磁热源。为了方便实验数据验证仿真效果,在仿真中采用温度探针,获取与实验热电偶实测点相同位置的温度变化过程。仿真结果显示 ... Mehr lesen
氢能燃烧值高且无污染,被认为是人类社会摆脱对化石能源依赖的理想能源。目前氢能应用的主要瓶颈是氢存储。而氢存储的主要方式中,金属氢化物因其安全性高,循环性能好的优点,得到广泛的研究。但由于金属氢化物吸放氢反应的热效应、粉末床的传热和传质特性较差等问题,贮氢罐的吸放氢速率下降,成为限制应用的主要因素。最近十几年,贮氢罐吸放氢过程的数值模拟及相关模型得到广泛的研究。通过数值模拟方法可以优化设计贮氢罐,以期满足实际应用中的需求,同时节约设计成本。本文面对贮氢罐的实际指标(吸氢速率1.5 L min-1),采用COMSOL软件中的多孔介质传热、地下流动以及数学模块 ... Mehr lesen
Hydrogen production by water gas shift reaction(WGSR) in Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) plant is the most popular process in the world. Traditional hydrogen production process by WGSR is consist of two processes due to its’ considerable exothermic equilibrium reaction ; ... Mehr lesen
The dissolution behaviour of powders is an important factor when evaluating their applicability for customer and industrial use. The dissolution speed of a powder can be influenced by a number of parameters. Important parameters are particle size, porosity and powder composition amongst ... Mehr lesen
Fuel cells are electrochemical devices which produce electricity from renewable and clean resources, such as hydrogen. Their large-scale exploitation is expected to impact positively our approach to use electric energy in vehicles, buildings and other portable/stationary applications. ... Mehr lesen
Patterned two-dimensional (2D) materials have recently become promising candidates for separation processes in both gaseous and aqueous phases, due to mechanical strength and atomic thickness. Conventional separation technique using 2D materials are limited by the surface charge of 2D ... Mehr lesen
Spatial Atomic Layer Deposition (SALD) is a novel technique that allows the deposition of thin films at a considerably shorter time than the conventional Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) techniques while retaining its unique assets, i.e. high-quality films at low temperature, precise ... Mehr lesen