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Ingenieure, Forscher und Wissenschaftler aus allen Branchen nutzen die Multiphysik-Simulation, um innovative Produktdesigns und -prozesse zu erforschen und zu entwickeln. Lassen Sie sich von Fachbeiträgen und Vorträgen inspirieren, die sie auf der COMSOL Conference präsentiert haben. Durchsuchen Sie die untenstehende Auswahl, verwenden Sie die Schnellsuche, um eine bestimmte Präsentation zu finden, oder filtern Sie nach einem bestimmten Anwendungsbereich.
Sehen Sie sich die Kollektion für die COMSOL Conference 2024 an
Shape and Topology Optimization of Loudspeaker Drivers This paper illustrates the use of formal mathematical optimization techniques for engineering solutions focused towards loudspeaker drivers. Both shape and topology optimization techniques are applied, with the physics ranging ... Mehr lesen
Micro-Electro-Mechanical Devices such as acoustics sensors, finger print sensors, tunable capacitors etc. are widely used in commercial applications. The pressure sensors use membranes which deflect upon applied pressure load. The most important aspect of any pressure sensor is its ... Mehr lesen
Thermal ablation is a treatment option in oncology that can be used to target primary and metastatic cancers. In this approach, high temperature heating is administered at the target tumor site to induce coagulative necrosis of malignant cells. One minimally invasive method for ... Mehr lesen
Modern home audio products are starting to feature dedicated upward firing height channel speakers, which are a combination of unique physical speaker design and special signal processing, to reproduce audio as if the sound source is located in the ceiling. Due to slim form factor design ... Mehr lesen
Aerodynamic sound is generated by unsteady fluid motion and enhanced when the flow becomes turbulent. For example, drone is loud because the ambient air is stirred by their propeller to get lift and movement and the air becomes turbulent. Reduction of aerodynamic noise is an important ... Mehr lesen
Thermal ablation driven by an acoustic heat source has tremendous potential for the treatment of diseased tissue. In many applications, such as treating tumors in the liver, bulk removal of tissue is required, and thermal ablation can reliably cause necrosis for a relatively large tissue ... Mehr lesen
Metamaterials are composites of subwavelength structures that can be engineered to affect the propagation of a wave in specific ways as it travels through the material. While metamaterials can be used with any type of wave, they are most commonly found in electromagnetic waves. However, ... Mehr lesen
As water networks around the world age, leakage and water main breaks are becoming an increasing problem. Leakage rates of 10-30% are typical in North America, and most cities suffer from hundreds (or thousands) of water main breaks every year. Echologics has developed the EchoShore ... Mehr lesen
Cilia are slender micro-organelles (200 nm diameter, 10 µm long) that generate propagating waves to propel cells or move fluid. The cytoskeletal structure of the cilium (the axoneme) consists of 9 outer microtubule doublets and 2 central microtubule singlets. Outer doublets are connected ... Mehr lesen
Powertrain mounting systems are subjected to varying degrees of continuous dynamic loads resulting into unbalance of forces at their mount locations. These forces contribute significantly towards noise, vibration and harshness signatures in the vehicle cabin and has strong negative ... Mehr lesen