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When placing a loudspeaker in a cabinet, standing waves inside the cabinet affect the frequency response with ripples. This peaks and dips due to pressure cancellation inside the cabinet have an effect on the diaphragm and generating sound out from the vents. If it was in a condition of ... Mehr lesen
Even though sonochemical reactors have been studied extensively for decades, there is limited data on their characterization when the volume of the sample is fixed. The Acoustics Module and COMSOL Multiphysics® software are used to resolve the pressure field. The validated numerical ... Mehr lesen
The field of underwater acoustics research is constantly growing with the ongoing improvement of acoustic measuring techniques. An acoustic hydrophone receiver is a passive listening device which is widely used in biological research and sonar technology. The hydrophone however suffers ... Mehr lesen
Capacitive MEMS sensors offer high spatial resolution, sensitivity and good frequency response. In this paper, we present a circular membrane capacitive MEMS device that finds use both as capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducer (CMUT) and pressure sensor. The MEMS device is first ... Mehr lesen
Ultrasonic based cleaning process, widely used in various industries, mainly utilizes the cavitation effect to achieve contamination removal. For a given set of ultrasonic tank parameters, such as cleaning fluid, temperature, frequency etc, the cavitation effect is largely impacted by ... Mehr lesen
In this study, COMSOL Multiphysics® software was used to simulate the surface response to excitation method (SuRE). An aluminum beam with a piezoelectric element bonded is modeled using the COMSOL Acoustics Module. A frequency domain sweep study was performed to simulate the sweep sign ... Mehr lesen
Today, low noise is a mandatory feature for power transformers to comply with customer specifications and environmental regulations. Therefore, it is crucial to develop sound prediction tools with sufficient accuracy to avoid overkill margins in design and costly modifications after ... Mehr lesen
Induction motors, as any other industrial products, have to comply with various requirements on noise levels. Therefore, it is essential to use an appropriate prediction tool to verify and optimize the design of an induction motor with respect to the acoustic performances. The paper ... Mehr lesen
The feasibility of phase-sensitive detection of angular-rates using bi-directional orbiting piezoresonators suspended by thick annular springs with thin-film aluminium nitride piezoactuators on top of them was investigated. The ring-shaped flexures are more suitable for supporting the ... Mehr lesen
In this work, we have taken a model which is simulated using COMSOL Multiphysics®. It was used as a tool to design, characterize and to simulate an example which is nanofibers based piezoelectric energy generators. The results are compared with other available sources but using with ... Mehr lesen