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Sehen Sie sich die Kollektion für die COMSOL Conference 2024 an
The present paper describes the results of a Finite Element Model used to analyze sound propagation in lined ducts. By means of a numerical model it was possible to predict the insertion loss inside rectangular lined ducts in a frequency range from 250 Hz to 4000 Hz. The model was ... Mehr lesen
In this paper, the underlying concept of electroacoustic absorbers is studied with the help of Comsol Multiphysics® Acoustics Module. Among the different ways to obtain variable acoustic properties on an electroacoustic transducer's voicing face, there is the shunting of the ... Mehr lesen
Modern gas turbines suffer of the phenomenon of combustion instability, also known as “humming”. The main origin of the instability is considered to be related to the interaction between acoustic waves and fluctuations of the heat released by the flame. This paper presents a ... Mehr lesen
Loudspeaker simulation is used to inform the designer as to the performance of a design. In recent years the Finite Element Method (FEM) has been used to model the mechanical and acoustical attributes of a loudspeaker with varying success. This paper shows how a model that incorporates ... Mehr lesen
The elastic and geometrical properties of Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) foam are used in this paper to improve the attenuation properties of periodic arrangements of acoustic scatterers known as Sonic Crystals (SCs). A specific recycled profile of LDPE foam is used as elastic-acoustic ... Mehr lesen
Finite element analysis has been used to model the ultrasonic wave propagation both in a custom made transducer and in the tested polymer sample. The model consists of acoustic (passive elements) and electroacoustic (active elements) transmission lines. The simulation of the acoustic ... Mehr lesen
In modern hearing aids, the performance of directional microphone systems is dependent on both the acoustics around thehearing aid and on the specific signal processing algorithms. The sound pressure at the microphone inlets depends on microphone location in the hearing-aid shell, the ... Mehr lesen
The propagation of shear (S) and compression (P) waves within the earth allows geologists to track seismic events and to identify subterranean structure. This work shows the strong effect of including the variation of wave speed through the top thirty meters of the earth. By including ... Mehr lesen
Acoustic wave propagation due to the breakage or slippage of reinforced wire in water-filled prestressed concrete cylinder pipe (PCCP) attracts interest in non-destructive pipe testing. Current practice of acoustic emission (AE) detection and wire-break related events (WRE) recognition ... Mehr lesen
Exhaust noise must meet legislation targets, customer expectations and cost reduction which call for design optimization of the exhaust systems in the design phase. One solution is to use 3 dimensional linear pressure acoustics and calculate the transfer matrix of the muffler. The ... Mehr lesen