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A tapered optical waveguide structure is used for matching two waveguides having different geometric cross sections and/or different material parameters. The tapered waveguide has one geometric cross section at the input plane and another cross section at the output plane. In between ... Mehr lesen
Das Modell analysiert die Modenausbreitung in einem Nano-Schlitzwellenleiter. In einer Schlitzwellenleiterkonfiguration sind zwei Platten mit hohem Brechungsindex (~3,48) neben dem Schlitz mit niedrigem Brechungsindex (~1,44) angeordnet. Die Modenanalyse wurde an einem 2D-Querschnitt ... Mehr lesen
Dies ist ein Modell eines Adapters für die Mikrowellenausbreitung im Übergang zwischen einem rechteckigen und einem elliptischen Wellenleiter. Solche Wellenleiteradapter sind so konzipiert, dass die Energieverluste aufgrund von Reflexionen bei den Betriebsfrequenzen minimal sind. Um die ... Mehr lesen
Whenever dimensions in waveguides become small compared to the viscous and thermal boundary layers it is necessary to model acoustics using thermoacoustics. In the present model the thermoacoustic wave field in a shallow uniform waveguide is modeled and compared to an analytical solution. Mehr lesen
This model demonstrates how to simulate the propagation of guided waves in a dielectric S-bent optical waveguide. The model demonstrates that the phase approximation, required by the Electromagnetic Waves, Beam Envelopes interface, can be numerically calculated by solving an additional ... Mehr lesen
In diesem Modell wird eine Modalanalyse durchgeführt, während die Länge eines Wellenleiters parametrisch von 0,5 um bis 4 um gesweept wird, um die Dispersionskurve für den anisotropen Kern abzuleiten. Sowohl transversale als auch longitudinale Anisotropie werden in zwei verschiedenen ... Mehr lesen
A planar dielectric slab waveguide demonstrates the principles behind any kind of dielectric waveguide such as a ridge waveguide or a step-index fiber. This model solves for the effective index and fields of a dielectric slab waveguide and compares the solution to analytic results. Mehr lesen
A waveguide-type structure can be fabricated on a substrate by adding vias between the microstrip line and the ground plane. Such a device will behave as a high-pass filter and is attractive because it is easy to fabricate. A model is set up that shows the S-parameters as a function of ... Mehr lesen
In mode analysis it is usually the primary goal to find a propagation constant. This quantity is often, but not always, real valued; if the analysis involves some lossy part, such as a nonzero conductivity or an open boundary, the eigenvalue is complex. In such situations, the real and ... Mehr lesen
Feeding a waveguide from a coaxial cable is a straightforward way to achieve electromagnetic waves inside a waveguide. Due to its small size and circular shape, the cable contributes significantly to the overall size of the problem. It is therefore necessary to keep the cable as short as ... Mehr lesen