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An evanescent-mode cavity filter is resonant at a frequency lower than its original fundamental mode frequency. Evanescent mode resonance can be realized by creating a discontinuity or reactance inside the cavity. The basic model was modified by the addition of a metal box at either end ... Mehr lesen
In this model, sound created by a vibrating piston radiates through a baffled pipe. The impedance is measured and then used in an impedance boundary condition that replaces the surrounding air domain. This technique can be employed to reduce solution time and memory usage for large ... Mehr lesen
A 180° Ring Hybrid (Rat-Race Coupler) is a four-port network with 180° phase difference between two ports. It is cheaper to manufacture this type of microstrip line component compared to a wave guide 180° hybrid junction, so called magic-T. The objective of this model is to compute the S ... Mehr lesen
Berechnen Sie in diesem Modell die Ausbreitungsmoden in der Kammer eines Autoschalldämpfers. Die Geometrie ist ein Querschnitt der Kammer im Beispiel Absorptionsschalldämpfer. Der Zweck des Modells besteht darin, die Form der sich ausbreitenden Moden zu untersuchen und ihre ... Mehr lesen
Focusing a laser beam onto the tip of a single mode fiber is a common way to couple light. To achieve good coupling efficiency, the spatial mode of the light field has to match the spatial mode of the fiber. In this model, we use the beam envelope method to compute a small free-space ... Mehr lesen
Der Lärmpegel eines Autos hängt in hohem Maße von der Qualität des Schalldämpfers ab. Im Laufe der Jahre haben sich Forscher in der Automobilindustrie darum bemüht, Schalldämpfer zu entwickeln, die sowohl aus akustischer als auch aus ökologischer Sicht effizient sind. Dieses Modell ... Mehr lesen
The acoustic field in a model of an axially symmetric lined aero-engine duct, based on modal sound transmission, is analyzed. The source is generated by a single mode excitation at a boundary. Sources and nonreflecting conditions are applied using port boundary conditions. The model ... Mehr lesen
Dies ist das Modell eines verschlossenen Gehörgangssimulators (eines generischen 711-Kopplers). Abgesehen von bestimmten Details entspricht die Geometrie dem Brüel & Kjær Ear Simulator Type 4157. Die realen Koppler werden zur Simulation der Akustik eines standardisierten ... Mehr lesen
Simulation of Maxwell’s equations in the time domain is useful if the objective of the analysis is to observe a transient phenomenon, to find the time it takes a signal to propagate, or if the materials being modeled are non-linear with respect to the electric or magnetic field strength. ... Mehr lesen
This example investigates the electrical performance of a cascaded cavity filter operating in the millimeter-wave 5G band with temperature changes. The thermal variations result in structural deformations of the structure. Thus, the resonant frequencies of the filter elements (cavities) ... Mehr lesen