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Electrochromic devices (ECDs) may be employed in ”smart” windows, for instance in buildings or motor cycle visors, where the transparency of the device can be controlled by applying a voltage. ECDs make use of the fact that the absorbance of visual light for a chemical species in a ... Mehr lesen
Bei der Gestaltung eines Konzertsaals ist es äußerst wichtig, die Resonanzen zu berücksichtigen. Für einen klaren und neutralen Klang sollten die Eigenfrequenzen gleichmäßig über die Register verteilt sein. Für den Besitzer einer Stereoanlage, der die Form seines Wohnzimmers nicht ändern ... Mehr lesen
This tutorial computes the transfer matrix of a tube and coupler measurement test setup. This type of setup is used for standardized testing, for example, for miniature loudspeakers or hearing aids. The Port boundary condition in Pressure Acoustics, Frequency Domain is used together ... Mehr lesen
A Czerny-Turner monochromator spatially separates polychromatic light into a series of monochromatic rays. This model simulates a crossed Czerny-Turner configuration that consists of a spherical collimating mirror, a planar diffraction grating, a spherical imaging mirror, and an array ... Mehr lesen
Loudspeaker design is a challenging task, where the design objective is to achieve better sound quality without violating manufacturing and operational constraints. The quality of sound depends on many parameters; one of them is the ability to control, damp, and shift the diaphragm ... Mehr lesen
This example is a variant of the Composite Thermal Barrier tutorial and shows how to set up multiple sandwiched thin layers with different thermal conductivities in two different ways. First, the composite is modeled as a 3D object. In the second approach the Lumped Thermal System ... Mehr lesen
This example demonstrates how to couple the Lithium-ion Battery interface to the Phase Field interface for modeling electrode deformations. The example is based on the Lithium Plating with Deformation model, available in the Battery Design Module Application Library. As current is ... Mehr lesen
Compact camera modules are widely used in electronic devices such as mobile phones and tablet computers. In order to reduce both the size and number of elements required the optical design will typically incorporate several highly aspheric surfaces. This model demonstrates a five element ... Mehr lesen
A paraboloidal dish can concentrate solar energy onto a target (receiver), resulting in very high local heat fluxes. This can be used to generate steam, which can be used to power a generator, or hydrogen, which can be used directly as a fuel source. In this model, the heat flux arriving ... Mehr lesen
This model shows how to compute the anchor loss limited quality factor of a diamond disc resonator. The resonator is anchored to the substrate by a polysilicon post and power is transmitted to the substrate through the post. A perfectly matched layer is used to represent the essentially ... Mehr lesen