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A Gaussian beam is launched into BK-7 optical glass. The material has an intensity-dependent refractive index. At the center of the beam, the refractive index is the largest. The induced refractive index profile counteracts diffraction and actually focuses the beam. Self-focusing is ... Mehr lesen
A cascaded cavity filter provides much better bandpass filter performance compared to a single cavity. Out-of-band rejection improves dramatically using a cascaded design. This model uses three rectangular cavity filters coupled via slots. The calculated S-parameters show excellent out ... Mehr lesen
Mithilfe der Modenanalyse werden die komplexen effektiven Indizes für eine mikrostrukturierte optische Faser (MOF) ermittelt, die aus Luftlöchern in einem Siliziumdioxid-Host besteht. Da der effektive Index kleiner ist als der Brechungsindex des Siliziumdioxid-Hintergrundmaterials, sind ... Mehr lesen
Dieses Modell untersucht die Wellenausbreitung in einem photonischen Kristall, der aus GaAs-Säulen besteht, die in gleichem Abstand zueinander angeordnet sind. Der Abstand zwischen den Säulen bestimmt eine Beziehung zwischen der Wellenzahl und der Frequenz des Lichts, die verhindert, ... Mehr lesen
The dispersion curves for a fluid-filled pipe with elastic walls are computed and compared with the analytical results for a pure elastic and an acoustic waveguide, respectively. Results show good agreement and also provide insight into the dynamics of the fluid-filled pipe at low and ... Mehr lesen
This model demonstrates how to simulate surface plasmon polaritons in a thin metal layer embedded in dielectric layers. It calculates the dispersion and propagation length of surface plasmon polaritons as a function of photon energy. Mehr lesen
A parallel wire transmission line is composed of two conducting wires in a dielectric such as air. The fields around such a transmission line are not directly confined by the conductors, and extend to infinity, although they drop off in rapidly away from the wires. This model ... Mehr lesen
This example demonstrates a simulation setup for exciting surface plasmon polaritons using Otto and Kretschmann configurations. The underlying mechanism is enabled by the interplay between total internal reflection and evanescent-wave coupling phenomena. It also calculates the ... Mehr lesen
An evanescent mode cavity filter can be realized by adding a structure inside of the cavity. This structure changes the resonant frequency lower than the dominant mode of the unfilled cavity. A piezo actuator is used to control the size of a small air gap which provides the tunability of ... Mehr lesen
Electromagnetic waves that are confined to propagate along a surface, such as surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs), are of great research interest due to their potential applications in nanoscale manipulation of light. This model demonstrates how to set up a simulation of the propagation ... Mehr lesen