Die Application Gallery bietet COMSOL Multiphysics® Tutorial- und Demo-App-Dateien, die für die Bereiche Elektromagnetik, Strukturmechanik, Akustik, Strömung, Wärmetransport und Chemie relevant sind. Sie können diese Beispiele als Ausgangspunkt für Ihre eigene Simulationsarbeit verwenden, indem Sie das Tutorial-Modell oder die Demo-App-Datei und die dazugehörigen Anleitungen herunterladen.
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This example demonstrates the usage of current terminal to compute the resistive heating of a busbar. Mehr lesen
Die Modenanalyse ist ein grundlegendes Werkzeug für eine Vielzahl von Hochfrequenz- und Wellenoptikberechnungen, da sie die Untersuchung von Modeneigenschaften in komplexen Wellenleiterstrukturen ermöglicht. In diesem Tutorial-Modell finden Sie zwei Beispiele, die typische Einstellungen ... Mehr lesen
This example of a plasmonic waveguide filter shows that the waveguide rejects the electromagnetic radiation of the wavelength between 1.4 um and 1.6 um, but allows the rest of the wavelength. The silver material can be modeled using the Drude-Lorentz approximation, with ε∞ = 3.7, ωp = 13 ... Mehr lesen
This model simulates arc welding of a titanium plate made from an alpha-beta titanium alloy. During a weld pass, the material experiences a thermal transient, including both heating and cooling. Phase transformations are modeled, and the evolution of the phase composition over time is ... Mehr lesen
This model presents a 2D simulation of transient arc discharge movement along guided copper rails. While accurately modeling transient arcs typically requires a 3D simulation, the 2D approach offers greater efficiency and remains valuable for initial investigations and demonstration ... Mehr lesen
This model, dealing with the current and potential distribution around one pair of electrodes, demonstrates how to synchronize and modify geometry in PTC Pro/ENGINEER® by using the LiveLink™ interface. Mehr lesen
Das folgende Modell untersucht die instationäre, inkompressible Strömung an einem langen Zylinder, der in einem Kanal im rechten Winkel zu dem entgegenkommenden Fluid steht. Der Zylinder ist etwas von der Mitte der Strömung versetzt, um die stationäre symmetrische Strömung instabil zu ... Mehr lesen
This model illustrates how to compute the torque of a three-phase squirrel-cage induction motor at various speeds. In the example the torque is computed by averaging the results from simulations performed on 2D cross sections at several locations along the induction motor. The 3D ... Mehr lesen
The example concerns a stainless-steel MEMS heat exchanger, which you can find in lab-on-a-chip devices in biotechnology and in microreactors such as for micro fuel cells. This model examines the heat exchanger in 3D, and it involves heat transfer through both convection and ... Mehr lesen
Micropumps are key components of microfluidic systems with applications ranging from biological fluid handling to microelectronic cooling. This model simulates the mechanism of a valveless micropump, that is designed to be effective at low Reynolds numbers, overcoming hydrodynamic ... Mehr lesen