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A fractal is a mathematical form showing self-repeating patterns. By virtue of its geometrical properties, a fractal structure can generate multiple resonances in RF applications. This antenna model uses a 3rd order Sierpinski triangle and the calculated S-parameters shows good input ... Mehr lesen
Frequency selective surfaces (FSS) are periodic structures with a bandpass or a bandstop frequency response. This model shows that only signals around the center frequency can pass through the periodic complementary split ring resonator layer. Mehr lesen
Frequency-selective surfaces (FSS) are periodic structures with a bandpass or a bandstop frequency response. This model shows that only signals around the center frequency can pass through the periodic complementary split ring resonator layer. Mehr lesen
This tutorial investigates the acoustic properties of a porous layer made of glass wool. The porous material has transverse isotropic properties and is modeled with the full anisotropic poroelastic material model. Mehr lesen
Dieses Modell demonstriert die Simulation der Streuung einer ebenen Lichtwelle an einer Gold-Nanosphäre. Die Streuung wird für den optischen Frequenzbereich berechnet, in dem Gold als ein Material mit negativer komplexwertiger Permittivität modelliert werden kann. Das Fernfeldmuster und ... Mehr lesen
Focusing a laser beam onto the tip of a single mode fiber is a common way to couple light. To achieve good coupling efficiency, the spatial mode of the light field has to match the spatial mode of the fiber. In this model, we use the beam envelope method to compute a small free-space ... Mehr lesen
This model analyzes a piezoelectric microelectromechanical system (MEMS) speaker. The speaker, composed of four triangular membranes, uses a layer of lead zirconate titanate (PZT) material with two electrodes on top of a silicon layer as actuators. The triangular membranes are separated ... Mehr lesen
A Gaussian electromagnetic wave is incident on a dense array of very thin wires (or rods). The distance between the rods and, thus, the rod diameter is much smaller than the wavelength. Under these circumstances, the rod array does not function as a diffraction grating (see the Plasmonic ... Mehr lesen
One way to generate circular polarization from a microstrip patch antenna is to truncate the patch radiator. This model is tuned around the GPS frequency range. The axial ratios are calculated to show the degree of circular polarization. Mehr lesen
Corrugated circular aperture (conical) horn antennas are popularly used as feed horns for dish reflector antennas due to their low sidelobes and cross-polarization level. The excited TE mode from a circular waveguide passes along the corrugated inner surface of a circular horn antenna, ... Mehr lesen