Die Application Gallery bietet COMSOL Multiphysics® Tutorial- und Demo-App-Dateien, die für die Bereiche Elektromagnetik, Strukturmechanik, Akustik, Strömung, Wärmetransport und Chemie relevant sind. Sie können diese Beispiele als Ausgangspunkt für Ihre eigene Simulationsarbeit verwenden, indem Sie das Tutorial-Modell oder die Demo-App-Datei und die dazugehörigen Anleitungen herunterladen.
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A waveguide-type structure can be fabricated on a substrate by adding vias between the microstrip line and the ground plane. Such a device will behave as a high-pass filter and is attractive because it is easy to fabricate. A model is set up that shows the S-parameters as a function of ... Mehr lesen
A charge exchange cell consists of a region of gas at an elevated pressure within a vacuum chamber. When an ion beam interacts with the higher-density gas, the ions undergo charge exchange reactions with the gas which then create energetic neutral particles. It is likely that only a ... Mehr lesen
An axisymmetric 3D structure such as a conical horn antenna can be simulated in a fast and efficient way using only its 2D layout. In this model, the antenna radiation and matching characteristics are computed very quickly with respect to the dominant TE mode from the given circular ... Mehr lesen
Ultraschall-Winkelprüfsysteme werden für die zerstörungsfreie Prüfung von festen Objekten, wie Metallrohren, verwendet. Sie sind besonders nützlich für die Erkennung von Fehlern in und um Schweißbereiche, wie Poren, kleine Risse oder fehlende Verschmelzung. Die zerstörungsfreie Prüfung ... Mehr lesen
This tutorial model solves a two-component Schrödinger equation for the eigenstates of a simple silicon quantum dot in a uniform magnetic field, based on the paper by Jock et al. on the topic of spin-orbit qubits. The built-in domain condition Lorentz Force for the Schrödinger Equation ... Mehr lesen
Die Mikrostreifen-Patch-Antenne wird in einem breiten Spektrum von Anwendungen eingesetzt, da sie einfach zu entwerfen und herzustellen ist. Die Antenne ist attraktiv aufgrund ihres flachen, konformen Designs, der relativ geringen Kosten und der sehr schmalen Bandbreite. Es ist bekannt, ... Mehr lesen
A plane wave is incident on a reflecting hexagonal grating. The grating cell consists of a protruding semisphere. The scattering coefficients for the different diffraction orders are calculated for a few different wavelengths. Mehr lesen
This example calculates the spectral properties of a 3D optical ring resonator. The model demonstrates how to use parts from the Wave Optics Parts Library and how to setup the Field Continuity boundary condition at boundaries, where there is a jump in the predefined phase approximation. Mehr lesen
Just like optical lenses focus light, electric and magnetic lenses can focus beams of charged particles. Systems of magnetic quadrupole lenses find a common use in focusing both ion and particle beams in accelerators at nuclear and particle physics centers. This model shows the path of ... Mehr lesen
This model demonstrates how to simulate the propagation of guided waves in a dielectric S-bent optical waveguide. The model demonstrates that the phase approximation, required by the Electromagnetic Waves, Beam Envelopes interface, can be numerically calculated by solving an additional ... Mehr lesen