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This simple benchmark model computes the potential and carrier concentrations for a one-dimensional p-n junction using both the finite element and finite volume methods. The results are compared with an equivalent device from the book, "Semiconductor Devices: A Simulation Approach," by ... Mehr lesen
Transmission lines are used when the frequency of the electromagnetic signals is so high that the wave nature of the signals must be taken into account. A consequence of the wave nature is that the signals are reflected if there are abrupt changes of the characteristic impedance along ... Mehr lesen
Das Modell analysiert die Modenausbreitung in einem Nano-Schlitzwellenleiter. In einer Schlitzwellenleiterkonfiguration sind zwei Platten mit hohem Brechungsindex (~3,48) neben dem Schlitz mit niedrigem Brechungsindex (~1,44) angeordnet. Die Modenanalyse wurde an einem 2D-Querschnitt ... Mehr lesen
At the resonance frequency, the capacitive coupling between the turns causes the impedance of a coil to transition from inductive to capacitive. This application analyzes the resonance of a 5 turn spiral coil of copper equipped with a thin epoxy varnish insulation layer. The capacitive ... Mehr lesen
A Touchstone file describes the frequency responses of an n-port network circuit in terms of S-parameters. This can be used to simplify arbitrarily complex circuits. The Touchstone file can be obtained from numerical simulations or network analyzer measurements. The obtained file for a ... Mehr lesen
A helical antenna has two major modes. One is normal mode and the other is axial mode. When the helical antenna is operating at the normal mode, its far-field radiation pattern is similar to the torus shaped pattern of a classic dipole antenna. At the axial mode, the helical antenna is ... Mehr lesen
Dieses Modell demonstriert die Simulation der Streuung einer ebenen Lichtwelle an einer Gold-Nanosphäre. Die Streuung wird für den optischen Frequenzbereich berechnet, in dem Gold als ein Material mit negativer komplexwertiger Permittivität modelliert werden kann. Das Fernfeldmuster und ... Mehr lesen
This model shows how to add several linked mobility models to the simple MOSFET example. Mehr lesen
A radome minimizes losses and improves radiation characteristics of an antenna through its design. The structure can be optimized to minimize the transmission loss and also designed to improve radiation characteristics including antenna directivity and side lobes. Shown in the model is ... Mehr lesen
Extending the High Voltage Insulator model, this example shows how to set up an Optimization Study to determine the optimum position of the grading rings to obtain the highest flashover voltage. Mehr lesen