Die Application Gallery bietet COMSOL Multiphysics® Tutorial- und Demo-App-Dateien, die für die Bereiche Elektromagnetik, Strukturmechanik, Akustik, Strömung, Wärmetransport und Chemie relevant sind. Sie können diese Beispiele als Ausgangspunkt für Ihre eigene Simulationsarbeit verwenden, indem Sie das Tutorial-Modell oder die Demo-App-Datei und die dazugehörigen Anleitungen herunterladen.
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This tutorial model shows how a plate-fin heat exchanger made of aluminum is used to cool down hot oil with colder air. In order to maximize heat transfer, the heat exchanger is made of a porous aluminum matrix in which the hot oil flows. Heat is conducted through aluminum fins in ... Mehr lesen
Der Ahmed-Körper stellt eine vereinfachte, bodennahe Fahrzeuggeometrie eines stumpfen Körpers (bluff body) dar. Seine Form ist einfach genug, um eine genaue Strömungssimulation zu ermöglichen, behält aber einige wichtige praktische Merkmale bei, die für Automobilkarosserien relevant ... Mehr lesen
An important and interesting phenomenon with supersonic flows are expansion fans, which take place when the flow encounters a convex or expansion corner. The direction of the flow changes smoothly across the fan, while the Mach number increases. This 2D example models an expansion fan ... Mehr lesen
Dies ist ein 3D-Modell einer akustischen Falle in einer Glaskapillare, die durch einen piezoelektrischen Wandler betrieben wird. Das System wird durch ein oszillierendes elektrisches Potential über den piezoelektrischen Wandler angetrieben, das mechanische Schwingungen im Festkörper und ... Mehr lesen
This example shows how to model carbonation, which is a type of sparging. Sparging is a mass transfer process between a gas and a liquid that is common in industry (such as beverage carbonation and photobioreactor applications) and at home (aquarium aeration). In the carbonation model, ... Mehr lesen
This tutorial example simulates the flow in a flat bottom mixer containing, agitated by a pitched four blade impeller, where the fluid is water, and flow is assumed to be turbulent. The flow in the mixer is modeled using the k-ε turbulence model, and a time-dependent simulation ... Mehr lesen
In the semiconductor manufacturing process, photoresist coating is an important process and the thickness of the photoresist layer needs to be precisely controlled. Usually, the photoresist layer is thinned by spin coating. The specific principle is to use centrifugal force to throw ... Mehr lesen
This model shows how to use simulations to predict power numbers with Power Law fluids in a mixer. It simulates the behavior of flow in a flat bottom tank with a single four-blade pitched impeller. The flow was modeled as laminar and the frozen rotor approach was used to solve the ... Mehr lesen
When a temperature gradient in a gas exists, suspended particles will tend to move from regions of high temperature to low. The force which produces this effect is called the thermophoretic force. Gas molecules colliding with a particle from the hot side have a higher velocity than the ... Mehr lesen
The aerodynamic properties of a wing, propeller, or turbine blade are to a large extent determined by the precise shape of the airfoil that is used. The NACA Airfoil Optimization application computes the two main aerodynamic properties (the lift and drag coefficients) of a fully ... Mehr lesen