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This model studies the dispersion of neutral species band through curved microchannel in an Electroosmotic flow (EOF) . Using Optimization module, geometric optimization is carried out to minimize the curve-induced dispersion.The central idea is to parametrically represent the geometry ... Mehr lesen
Diese App veranschaulicht, wie man eine elektrische Maschine wie einen Generator, Motor oder Antrieb modelliert, indem man die Sektorsymmetrie ausnutzt, um die Größe des Problems zu reduzieren. Die untersuchte Maschine ist ein vereinfachter elektrischer Generator in 3D, der auf der in ... Mehr lesen
An Electromagnetic Band Gap (EBG) structure can be used to increase the isolation between antennas close to each other. The decoupling effect is not only a function of frequency but also polarization and coupling-plane configuration. When designing an EBG structure, one needs to make ... Mehr lesen
This tutorial example shows how to set port features in a physics interface when designing a grounded coplanar waveguide (GCPW) circuit that is useful for mmWave applications. Mehr lesen
Surface acoustic phonons and surface roughness have an important effect on the carrier mobility, especially in the thin inversion layer under the gate in MOSFETs. The Lombardi surface mobility model adds surface scattering resulting from these effects to an existing mobility model using ... Mehr lesen
In this model, a linear magnetic gear system with a gear ratio of 11:4 is modeled. The liner magnetic gear is assumed to be infinitely long with the modular structure that is repeating on either side. Only a single modular section is modeled by using the customized linear periodic ... Mehr lesen
This problem follows a typical preliminary board-level thermal analysis. First perform a simulation of the board with some Integrated Circuits (ICs). Then, add a disk-stack heat sink to observe cooling effects. Finally, explore adding a copper layer to the bottom of the board in order to ... Mehr lesen
Surface plasmon-based circuits are being used in applications such as plasmonic chips, light generation, and nanolithography. The Plasmonic Wire Grating Analyzer application computes the coefficients of refraction, specular reflection, and first-order diffraction as functions of the ... Mehr lesen
It is possible to engineer the structure of materials such that both the permittivity and permeability are negative. Such materials are realized by engineering a periodic structure with features comparable in scale to the wavelength. It is possible to model both the individual unit cells ... Mehr lesen
RFIDs are used in a multitude of applications such as tracking or identifying consumer products and their packaging. An RFID system consists of two main parts: A tag or transponder with a printed circuit-board (PCB) antenna A reader unit with a larger RF antennaThe reader antenna ... Mehr lesen