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Zwei eingebettete optische Wellenleiter in unmittelbarer Nähe bilden einen Richtkoppler. Das Mantelmaterial ist GaAs und das Kernmaterial ist ionenimplantiertes GaAs. Der Wellenleiter wird durch die beiden ersten Supermoden der Wellenleiterstruktur angeregt - die symmetrischen und ... Mehr lesen
When a conductive solid material moves through a static magnetic field, an eddy current is induced. The current that flows through the conductor, which is itself moving through the magnetic field, induces a Lorentz force back on the solid. Therefore, a conductive solid that is vibrating ... Mehr lesen
The drive for miniaturizing electronic devices has resulted in today’s extensive use of surface-mount electronic components. An important aspect in electronics design and the choice of materials is a product’s durability and lifetime. For surface-mount resistors and other components ... Mehr lesen
The mutual inductance and induced currents between a single turn primary and twenty turn secondary coil in a concentric coplanar arrangement is computed using a frequency domain model. Each turn of the secondary coil is modeled explicitly. The results are compared against analytic ... Mehr lesen
There are multiple ways to excite and terminate transmission lines using different types of port and lumped port features. In this example, transverse electromagnetic (TEM) type ports and a via type lumped port are used to simulate two adjacent microstrip lines. One via end is terminated ... Mehr lesen
This model demonstrates the switching capability of a liquid crystal (LC) display cell in In-Plane Switching (IPS) configuration. The Oseen-Frank model is used to solve for the LC director (optical axis) distribution when a static electric field is applied. A Weak Form PDE interface is ... Mehr lesen
With an increase in the parallel component of the applied field, carriers can gain energies above the ambient thermal energy and be able to transfer energy gained by the field to the lattice by optical phonon emission. The latter effect leads to a saturation of the carriers mobility. The ... Mehr lesen
This model demonstrates three different ways to find the eigenfrequencies of a rectangular metallic cavity. The first method uses an eigenfrequency study step together with the Electromagnetic Waves, Beam Envelopes interface. Here, it is important to define a wave vector for the physics ... Mehr lesen
A fuel cell stack operates at temperatures just below 100 °C, which means that it has to be heated at start-up. The fuel cell stack consists of unit cell of anode, membrane, and cathode connected in series through bipolar plates. This study presents a model that couples the thermal and ... Mehr lesen
SMA connectors are popularly used on printed circuit boards (PCB) for testing. This model shows how to excite an SMA connector on a microwave substrate and how to terminate a grounded coplanar waveguide (GCPW) with 50 ohm using a lumped port and an air-bridge. Mehr lesen